
68, Male

Los Angeles, California

United States

Profile Information:

Los Angeles
About Me:
Visual Effects Artist, Screenwriter, Cartoonist, Musician
About My Corgi(s):
I have had four Corgis so far (Pembrokes all): Murphy, Sophie, Snickers and Hogan. Murphy was a large red-haired sable Corgi (red all over with the Mickey Mouse sable face), Sophie was more of a classic white and red Corgi. Sophie and Snickers are both gone now (aged 16 and 13 years respectively).

Snickers and Hogan are both Black Tri-color Pembrokes. Snickers is more the "loaf of bread body on short legs" (age 6 yrs.) and Hogan, I swear, must be part Terrier with a long sleak body and long-ish (for a Corgi) legs. He can easily jump 2 feet off the ground from a stand still and has Energizer Bunny power (age 9 months).

Comment Wall:

  • Jimbo

    I have a webcomic about Visual Effects that publishes twice a week. Murph is a Corgi character that often figures prominently in the storyline.
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to MyCorgi.com You are very talented. Where can we go to see your webcomic about Murph?