Bob Rosner

, Male

Profile Information:

St. Louis MO
About Me:
Got married in January to Carrie and one of my agreements was that we were going to get a dog once we moved from her apartment to the house. So in March we did move and got a wonderful boy by the name of Toby.A couple of months later - ok Last month we got Lola a girl to keep toby company...
About My Corgi(s):
I have two wonderful rescue Corgis. A boy Toby who is sevn and a girl Lola who is five. Both are wonderful dogs

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Bob! Welcome! Glad to hear another successful adoption!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Bob, I'm in Viera FL!
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks for the compliment! Glad you're enjoying the site. My wife and I travel a lot, I'm usally down here in FL with the corgis, Silvia is currently in Toronto Canada taking care of her design firm up there.
  • endia

    Thanks. He so dang smart, it took me 2 days to teach him.
  • Liz Thompson

    Hi Bob,
    Clive is doing well and coming out of his shell a little more each day. Thanks for your comment on the pics. I saw Lola this summer on the website, she looked like a sweetie but I wasn't ready for a dog at the time. I'm glad she has a nice new home with a playmate. Liz ps How do you handle all the hair - with 2 corgi's!!
  • Allie Redman

    Both are very adorable! Did you get both of them from Linda? She is the best. She's been keeping an eye out for me for a boy to bring home to be Nia's playmate, but my boyfriend has been putting his foot down so far. I just love Nia....Toby and Lola are adorable and they seem to be very good for each other!
  • Liz Thompson

    Maybe my dog is stressed, he's losing a ton of topcoat....very little undercoat right now. Yep, a Romba sounds good to me right now. Take care, Liz
  • Allie Redman

    I definitely understand about needing a playmate for your dog. I'm just afraid that she won't get along too well with another dog. She does well at the dog park, but she doesn't like any other dogs in her house. She's very protective of her space.