
33, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Millcreek, PA
About Me:
Hey everyone! I'm Bethany from Millcreek, PA. I'm about 5"1, with blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm an animal lover to the max, and by far, dogs are my favorite, especially corgis. I'm a vegetarian, and am a big believer in animal rights. I am a Wiccan, and follow the principles very strictly. Well, I think those are the basics!
About My Corgi(s):
I own a 6 year old, sable Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Her name is Isabelle. She is very intelligent and adorable (like most corgis are.) She loves to clean herself like she is a kitty cat, LOL! She loves to play with smaller animals, but is a little afraid of larger animals. Her birthday is October 13th. Her favorite season is Winter, ahe loves the snow! It'll be so exciting if I find out that somebody owns my Isabelle's brother or sister on here, I would love to meet them, along with other corgi owners. Have a great day!

Comment Wall:

  • robin

    Welcome Bethany!! Hope you enjoy this site. It has been very helpful for me. It's great to see all the corgi lovers!!!
  • Cindi

    Merry Meet Bethany and Isabelle! Welcome!