Evelyn Kay

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Atlanta radio personality who loves to spend time with my husband, cook, entertain, travel and play with our Corgi.
About My Corgi(s):
We have a female tri-color Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Bailey who keeps us entertained all day long. We love our Corgi but we also love meeting other people's Corgis too. They are the most fascinating little creatures with the best personalities!

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Evelyn! Glad you made it :)
  • Shannon

    Love your tri
  • Kristen

    Welcome!. I love Bailey's face. She is a beauty!
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Bailey is beautiful. :-)
  • Cindi

    Welcome! Bailey's a cutie! I LOVE Atlanta and lived there for about 10 years when I was younger.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Evelyn, Here's one started by our member http://www.mycorgi.com/group/gerogiacorgis
    you can also type "georgia" or "Atlanta" in the search box and find out who's in your town, shoot them a message and start one yourself :) Glad you're enjoyig the site, have fun!
  • Cindi

    From Mobile? There was a woman I was on scholarship with in college who went into radio in ATL. I think her name was Leslie Framm.
  • Shannon

    I like the pick of your Baily by the hydrant in the snow.
  • Carrie Whittier

    Hey Evelyn, It's nice to see another local Corgi owner. Apparently there's not many of us here in ATL but hopefully we'll get more soon!

    I love your Baily he's so cute! <3 Our new pup is a Tri-color too!
  • Carrie Whittier

    I think that Tri's are the coolest of the two. They seem a little more quirky then the normal tans, reds and sables. I'm not sure if it's the markings that just exaggerate their eyes or what. All I know is that I love them.

    I live to the north, around Dunwoody - currently finishing up my bachelors in Animation. It's nice to meet another radio personality. My aunt did that for a long long time at a Radio Station in North Carolina - but now she runs her own business doing radio advertisements. She's really good at it and loves her job.

    You know I was poking around and I saw that Bailey is a really popular name for dogs now. I like the fact that you named her after the Irish Creame. I sure love that stuff! I know several other dogs named after alcoholic beverages. A spotted red setter named Guiness, and a small mix breed named Kaluah (though I'm not sure if that's spelled correctly).

    We ended up naming our pup Sketch. Apparently animators aren't too creative when it comes to naming - I guess we're a little too focused on our carreers. Now excuse me while I go cuddle my puppy. . .he seems to have a death wish for falling off the couch o.o()