
39, Female

Enid, OK

Profile Information:

Kalispell, MT
About Me:
I've always been fascinated by corgis from my earliest of horse show days. I love to three-day event and corgies just seem to fit into that lifestyle. My husband and I are currently living in Enid, Oklahoma. I'm studying to become a gemologist. However, I hope to one day fulfill my life long dream of becoming a veterinarian (after my husband is out of the Air Force). I am a jack of all trades and the queen of random useless-facts.
About My Corgi(s):
When my husband and I decided to get a puppy I knew that it was finally time to get a corgi. It took some pretty serious convincing, but I got my way :) Soon after, there was an advertisement in the paper and we were on our way to pick out our first corgi puppy. Since I got to pick the breed, Eric (my husband) got to pick the puppy. He didn't pick the puppy that I would have but, he couldn't have picked out a better puppy. Oakley was the runt of the litter and remains small to this day. She has grown into a beautiful, charismatic, demanding, ball of goof! We call her Demon Seed (Dane Cook reference) because she's always up to something. Another one her nick names is Empress Oakley as she has completely taken over our lives (not that we mind). Oakley has the incredible ability to make EVERYONE fall in love with her within a matter of moments; even people who don't like dogs! Whenever my husband or I come home after an extended outing Oakley will greet us with the most adorable squeeks. She loves to swim, hike, and be outdoors whenever possible. My husband and I couldn't be more in love with her!

As of April 07, 2008 my family is a two corgi household! We have a 14 week old puppy named Griffen! He is just a sweetheart. He is quite different than Oakley was as a pup. He is pretty layed back, but has his spunky moments. He and Oakley LOVE to wrestle. The transition was much easier than I expected. I figured it would take Oakley quite a while to adjust to having another dog in her house. However, she seems to be even happier! Griffen likes to play with stuffed animals, sleeping at my feet while I'm on the computer, and howling at the cat. He is quite the chunker but SUCH a lover! I can't wait to see how his personality and the bond between him and Oakley develop!

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Kate!
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Welcome Kate! Oakley is a cutie... I can't believe she was ever an ugly duckling! :-)
  • Kristen

    Hi Kate. Welcome. I think you are going to have to prove it with puppy pictures. A face that beautiful coulod never have been an ugly duckling! Could she? Good luck with your move. I noticed another new member is just getting ready to move to OK. It is hard to stop with just one!
  • Cindi

    Hi Kate and welcome. Empress Oakley looks like a cutie-pie to me!