Diane McCormick


San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

San Diego
About Me:
Dog Lover, especially Pembroke Welsh Corgis.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Update May 2009. I have a new corgi, a rescue from PWCCSC. An adorable and energetic red headed tricolor male named Sport.

My Cali passed away in November 2007 from lymphoma. I hope to get another corgi one day.
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • Rebecca

    Hello Diane. I work at an animal hospital as a vet tech and have seen a few lymphoma cases. My heart goes out to every pet owner that loses a pet to lymphoma. When vets diagnosis lymphoma and tell owners their pets have up to months, weeks or days to live must be so unable. I've seen young dogs pass quickly. I tend to carry every case with me and its hard to go home at the end of the day without having a good cry. Anyways I hope you do get another corgi someday and my thoughts are with you for Cali.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Diane, I hope that you'll find healing in this community. we're here for ya :)
  • Lincoln is Corgilicious

    You will find the love and support you need right here with all of us!

    Welcome ... we look forward to any future photos of your new little one.
  • Kristen

    Diane, I know the pain you talk about. It is so hard to lose a dear friend. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my Basil last November as well. Good friends can't be replaced, but they create a spot in your heart for more love.
  • Sasha

    awww..your picture is so adorable! Is that your corgi in thep picture? Just wondering! :) Anyways, I'm getting off topic! Darn me! Oh well! Welcome!
  • Sasha

    Hey do you want to join my group? I's called Corgi Wanters! It's for people wo don't have corgis yet or that lost one and is getting a nother one sometime... Well Do you? You don't have to! We have 3 members still. You can join if you would like to!
  • Kristen

    You will never really stop missing her and you can't replace her, but you will get to the point where you really miss all that corgi hair clogging up the vaccum. There really is something special about this breed! I'll never have a friend like Basil again, but I do enjoy my other Corgis and can't imagine life without them. Your Cali Girl sounds like she was a very special little lady. All the best.