
28, Female

Portland Oregon

United States

Profile Information:

Portland Oregon
About Me:
I'm about five feet tall. I Love my friends!
I laugh alot.
I'm hyper, crazy, and sometimes annoying
I'm Happy most of the time,
but if you piss me off i kill u...
And don't talk about me or my friends.
Cuz i bite.
like to burn things because I'm crazy like that, and i'll always be like.
Whateva :P
I usually dont hold a grudge, depends on what ya did...XP
My favorite color is probably yellow, cuz thats my fav. flavor of Starbursts.
I have three pets (two cats one dog) one cat is fat and scared of everything and the other is fat and stupid...And fat. But shes sweet. My dog is just kinda awesome.
I hate school during the school year but at the end of it I want school back :(
I love my family and friends and I don't have a boyfriend but pshhh. I don't really practice a religion.
: )
"The Snack That Smiles Back, GOLDFISH!!"
I like staying up late and waking up early.
When I grow up I wanna be a lawyer.
I talk on the phone too much, I love the internet and all that good stuff x)
About My Corgi(s):
Fletcher is my corgi, he is 3 years old and was born on February 17th. We got him from a breeder in Lewisten Idaho when he was 10 weeks old. He is very energetic and loves to be chased, and chase others. His best friend is my cat, Monkey, -Monkey is 5 years old, we got him 2 years before Fletcher- they like to play and wrestle in our living room. Fletcher is really afraid of fireworks and loud noises in general (who isn't)

Comment Wall:

  • Eva

  • Sam Tsang

    welcome Fletcher! We have quite a few members from your area! Hope you guys can get together soon! Invite your corgi friends to join us!
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Fletcher! What an adorale pup you have there!!
  • Silvia Li

    Try to separate into a few emails. Sometimes maybe the files are too big to be in the same email, and server may send them back. Also double check the email address: mycorgi.com@gmail.com. ^_^ Can't wait to see your pictures.
  • Mary Ann Jones

    Hi, Eva! I have a tri-color named Wilbur who is a February baby too. I'm glad you joined the list. It's nice to have links to other corgi people. Maybe Fletcher would like Rally obedience. It is fast and fun. You follow signs in the ring which tell you what to do as you go through. Doing a thing together with your dog really brings you closer. Enjoy!
    Mary Ann
  • Mary Ann Jones

    Eva, Try googling "AKC rally obedience" which will give you some overall info. You could also google "dog obedience training in P-Town Oregon" and it will show listings for local clubs in your area. They usually offer classes, or, they could have shows close to you. Worth an outing, if you can convince your parents to go to a dog show. It can be a great day out. Then you could actually watch a rally event. If you got there early enough, which means just before the first class is set to go into the ring, you could ask if you could "walk the course" with the exhibitors. Typically, if you are entered with your dog, you are allowed to walk the course through, without your dog, so you can rehearse yourself. While you're at the show, try to get Fletcher through a Canine Good Citizen "class" which just allows people to assess your dog's behavior. I took one of my guys through at a local dog show and got a really nice rosette when he passed! It was fun.
    Mary Ann
  • Jen Hajdu

    Hi Eva!!! I saw your Mom a couple weeks ago while walking Fletcher and I told her about this website, I'm glad to see you found it. It is like I died and went to Corgi heaven. You should also look at meetup.com. There is a corgi meetup at Normandale Park at 10:00am on 11/17/07. Normandale is on NE 57th and Halsey. Hope to see you guys there.
  • GusBus

    I love it!! Was your brother a transformers fan??