
Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a 16 yrs old, female. I have had corgis for just about 5yrs. I currently have two pembrokes. I show my male corgi and I'm working on getting my female ready for show.

Just so everyone knows I wont be getting on this site much. Sadly almost every time I get on my computer freezes up. I will get on occasionally but not to often.

If you want to see more pics of my corgis go to my wedsite.
About My Corgi(s):
Cowboy is a floppy eared male and is almost 5yrs old.
Aero is a 3yr old feamle.
Cowboy's AKC name is Round Em Up Cowboy and Aero's is Faster than a Aeroplane. Cowboy has his CGC, CD, RN, RA, and RE. Cowboy is currently working on his agility titles

If you want to see pics go to my website.

Comment Wall:

  • CaptainCorgi

    Welcome welcome! I love your corgi's names, they are so cool. Good luck in readying your female corgi for showing!