Gina and Zak

Profile Information:

About Me:
This is my husband and I's first corgi! We have had her since she was a baby. We have completely fallen in love with the breed! They have such great personalities and a spirit about them! We would love to get another corgi friend for rosa some day! Her favorite friends to play with at the park always seem to be another corgi!
About My Corgi(s):
Rosa is a 1 1/2 year old corgi, who is full of life!! She is a very happy corgi who loves her toys, chasing her kitty friend Idgie. She loves making up games, the latest game is stealing socks and stashing them under our bed this seems to be a new favorite . Rosa's favortie activity is playing soccer with my husband Zak, she is getting pretty good .She also enjoys a good belly and neck rub! She ia a wonderful addition to our family and is always making us laugh!

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Gina, Rosa and family!
  • Susan

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome Gina Zak and Rosa. Rosa is cute, do you have any more pictures of her?
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    What a beautiful girl Rosa has turned out to be. She looks like a wild child!!!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Yes, he still is! He has a controlled energy volume that reaches it's peak early in the afternoon, and requires a lot of exercise. After that he's mellowed out considerably allowing me to continue working! I love that corgi streak, can't get enough of it, makes me smile.
  • Kristen

    Welcome to you all. She is a cutie..
  • Cindi

    Welcome! Rosa is adorable.
  • Plato & Sula

    Thanks! It's nice to meet Rosa. She has a wicked cute smile!
  • Little Bear

    thanks for the advice, its the best i've had so far!

    last night i figured out what the problem was... peanut butter! i had no clue, its one of his favorite things in the world! but for the next time that happens, i'll definately take your advice. thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!
  • Jo

    Gina and Zak thanks they are quite a handful when they get going!
  • Alfredo

    Thanks for the warm welcome. you have great looking dogs also.