

Kokomo IN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a personal trainer and work part time. I am married 22 years with two children, ages 20 and 16. My Daugher is in college and home for the summer, and my son is a junior in high school.
About My Corgi(s):
We rescued him seven years ago, and has been on anxiety medication (prozac) for OCD, and anxiety. It has worked somewhat ok, until a new cat arrived in Nov. (our cat passed away last June) He was here when Freddie arrived. Now Freddie is refusing to walk on various places of the floor, barks nonstop, acting afraid of something that isn't there. The Vet has put him on Zoloft, and says he's using his natural instinct to focus on OCD? If that makes any sense? It's driving my crazy. Today, he refused to walk through the room with a toy, and crawled under a table to bring it to me.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome LuAnne and family!
  • Cindi

    Hi LuAnne! First, welcome. Glad you joined us. Sounds like Freddie has some very serious behavior issues. There are different and new drugs for these issues. When I remember the name I'll pass it along. Until then, if you have access to a canine behaviorist, it would be helpful. It's so difficult for a trainer or vet to address since it is generally out of our field of education. However, a good canine behaviorist can be a god-send. Kokomo isn't really small. There should be someone in the area. You might ask your local PetSmart trainer if he/she knows of someone. Good luck.