

Easton, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Raubsville, PA
About Me:
My husband & I have a freelance photography business based out of Eastern Pennsylvania. We travel for work through out the US and love to have our cardi, Le-Le sitting beside us.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Le-Le is a wonderful 7 year old cardigan corgi who came to live with us in Feb 2008 almost on her second birthday. She was a very fearful cardigan corgi when we first got her. Now 5 years later she is a smart, funny, sweet girl who adores my husband and I. (when I ask her to find Gary she runs and gives him kisses) Still does not like strangers and is a great watchdog. She now lives the life of the traveling photographer's companion. She loves to visit family and play with other dogs.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Anne, LeLe and family!
  • Steve

    That's great Le-Le gets to travel with you and see the country - lucky girl! My brother is a photographer so I'm trying to get him to take picture of my boys or use them in some of his work :P
  • Kristen

    Anne, Le Le and Family. She is beautiful. So nice to have her travel with you. Looking forward to more of your pictures.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome Le-Le and family. Le- Le is beautiful!
  • Karen

    Hi Anne!
    Fellow Corgi Eastonite
  • Michelle

    What a face. Makes ya just want to smile!
  • Anne

    I posted a few more shots of Le-Le from earlier this year. She was so scared of everything when we 1st got her & would hid in the smallest cubbyhole. She was very scared of a camera so we didn't take many in the 1st month we had her. She is doing so much better now and we hope to keep on taking pictures of our 'best girl'.
  • Dannielle

    O wow how neat both Aug 7th :o) Leo's and corgi's maybe they are destined to be LoL!