

Virginia Beach, Virginia

United States

Profile Information:

Virginia Beach
About Me:
I always hate these questions :). I work at a veterinary clinic and love it because I get to see so many cute animals all day. I live with my wonderful boyfriend Scrap and our 2 corgi children.
About My Corgi(s):
Madison is almost 3 years old and is the first dog I ever had on my own. She has a special place in my heart for sure. She loves to sit on your lap and for you to rub her belly. Maya is a year and a half and is very cute, but also very strange. I like to say she is a typical corgi....very stubborn and bossy. I love her though! Their hobbies include going on walks, de-stuffing toys, and eating (what a surprise).

Comment Wall:

  • Sarah C.

    Welcome to MyCorgi! Have fun! :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Samantha, Madison and Maya!
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks, MyCorgi.com was launched back in Sept 07, so it's not even 1 year old yet :)
  • Kitty's Corner

    ~Hi Samantha! Glad you joined the rest of us corgi people~ the pic of your corgs is great!
  • Kendra Palmer

    What a cute pair!