Sue Olson


Eagan, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Fort Dodge, Iowa years ago
About Me:
I am an animal lover, was a zoo volunteer for 21 years and a dog obedience instructor for 15 years. I have a number of passions as well as dogs, photography, reading, gardening and orchids.
About My Corgi(s):
I have had four Corgis, Radar, Sonar, Echo and Bogie. All different personalities but Sony was the dog of my life. We accomplished an Obedience Trial Championship and at that time there were only five Pembrokes in the country with that title. She also got a Tracking title in spite of me. She left me with a very big hole and I tired another breed after not feeling fair in comparing her to the others. My Springer was a good dog but I didn't feel the same. Soooo after one and a half dogless years I answered an ad for Rosa, now Tansy, a 19 month old Corgi who is an absolute delight and the personality for me - eager to please, happy and stable. The hair I can put up with for the happy face! It's a good fit. My son also is feeling happy as well.

Comment Wall:

  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Welcome to MyCorgi. I also did obedience training and showing with GSD's. I'm learning rally obedience now, cause I think that Timmy fits into the rally world much better than he would into formal obedience.

    Lots of other corgi folks here that can't wait for pics of your new corgi girl.

    HAIR, what hair? LOL Corgis don't shed, do they?
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Rally Obedience. It's a course set up with instructional placards along the way, giving directions; i.e. left turn, right turn, 360, sit, down, etc. basically instead of the judge giving directions, they're on the placards and you're continually moving (trying to make it look smooth) You're allowed to talk, encourage and touch your dog during the exercises. There are three levels, just like formal obedience as well. Lots more fun, I think. There are examples on You Tube if you wanted to see what it looks like.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Sue, Radar, Sonar, Echo and Bogie!
  • Kristen

    Sue and your exteded Corgi Family--Welcome. My husband is a Ft. Dodge Iowa boy from years back as well. Looking forward to pictures!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Susan, Are you talking about the comment box? If so, you have to click on the little picture in the header line of the box, right above your comment and then you can browse for the picture.
  • Sue Olson

    It says please enter an image address?????
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Sue,Click on the "picture" right above the word picture. There will be a graying of the screen and then a box will pop up "add an image", next to the blank space, click on the "browse" button and find the image you want to upload, double click and it should put the address in the blank space, then hit the add button and it should work.
  • Sue Olson

    I don't get the word "picture". I just have a gray figure in a screen. Suppose my Mac won't send this site a photo. I sent one to the address listed.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Sue, I apologize for confusing you. When you open a box for a blog post or comments, there is a header or toolbar along the top. It shows the capitol "B" for bold, slanted "I" for italics, etc., the picture that looks kind of like a stamp is what I'm trying to explain. Then when you click on it the graying of the screen happens. Maybe I'm not on the same page, but I think that a Mac would work the same as a PC regarding this, you might contact Sam Tsang, the admin and make sure. Like anything computereeze, if it's beyond the basics, it's beyond me.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Did you contact Sam for some help? He'll probably send you a MyCorgi message that'll show up in the very top left hand corner of your page (little envelope).

    Wish I could help you, cause I really would like to see your photos. Hopefully in the next couple of days you'll get someone to help.
  • Sue Olson

    I don't know how to contact Sam???? Sorry to be such a pest.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Sorry Sue, You did what I often do and that's leave a comment for me on your page. LOL I just found it when I was going to leave you a comment, checking on your progress. At the very bottom left hand corner of the page, (you have to scroll down) it says, "Created by Sam Tsang" and click on his name it's a link. Hope you can get those pictures on line soon.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    I forgot to add, the link is to his page and then click on the Send a Message, under his picture.

    Good luck.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Sue, click on the "photo" tab, then on the upper right hand corner, click "add a photo" then it'll bring you to the page that you can select the photos from your own computer, click upload and that's it! Enjoy!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Can't wait, Sue. Love those corgi pics. I can't believe you lasted for 18 months. I only went 6 months, before I decided I hated coming home to an empty house with no dog hair or barks of joy.