Brian Davis

, Male

Profile Information:

Portland, Oregon
About Me:
About My Corgi(s):
I brought home my Pembroke puppy Brynn at 8 weeks old , now she is 13 weeks and growing up fast . Brynn is very smart and learning quick . I have never had a dog before so it's all new to me. I do have 2 cats who are still adjusting to the new baby in the family .

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  • Carol Braitman

    Echh, if I stepped in it with this cast, and brought it in the house...yuck. We are going to get this storm that you had, so hopefully it will wash it away!!
  • Carol Braitman

    Charlotte did really well with her surgery. Don't know if Brynn can, but Char can't reach to lick there, so that helped. Augies ended up being a major surgery, and he had to wear the lamp shade for a while. It was hysterical to watch him try to sniff with that thing on... I'm sure you guys will pamper her!!
  • Kristen

    Brian, I just have to say your pictures of Brynn are just beautiful. She looks like a happy, beautiful little girl.
  • Frances

    Brynn is such a cutie!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, Have you taken Brynn on an outing lately? We haven't had any new pics for awhile. I took some today, but am having problems with my computer recognizing the camera. I Furminated today, the massive amount of hair off Augie deserved posting.Hope all is well!
  • Kristen

    Fergie is doing quite well. So well, you would never know something was wrong. Thanks for your thoughts. She is currently wrestling with my daughter's little shiza-poo--having a great time.
  • Corgi Mom

    The latest pictures of Brynn are absolutely adorable! :-D
  • Carol Braitman

    Brian, She is sooo cute! She has grown since your last pictures! Have you ever done any scrapbooking? If not, now is the time. These pictures deserve preservation. I love everything about corgis, but the little, fat , feet get me every time!
  • Corgi Mom

    You're welcome. I love the pictures of Brynn learning how to do "up". We've taught Tank how to do that and that's one of the tricks he does when we go on visits. Thank you for the kind comments about our kids. They are doing well.
  • Mandy and Lori

    Brynn is growing so much!! She is gorgeous!! Have a nice wedekend!!
  • Mandy and Lori

    Hi Brian! Mandy is in trouble all of the time..just kidding, she is very smart and only have so be told no once, but she is very onery. Those gentle eyes are deceiving. Her sister Linda Mae is the calm gentle one and Mandy is hyper and silly. She is so much fun, and having them both here has been a lot of fun. :)
  • Carol Braitman

    Such a cutie-pie!!!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, I would say I am about 85%. I go for repeat xrays Thurs. I think they will be fine. Char seems to have settled down. We are having a winter storm, this morning they went out, and came back in all hepped up. Augie was like a puppy. He frapped around the house at 4:45 in the morning!! I am still having trouble with my computer ecognizing the camera. I plan on working on it somemore tonight.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Brian, glad you're enjoying the site! Thanks for the note :) Have a great weekend!
  • Lincoln is Corgilicious

    Let me just tell you we call that tube around Lincoln's neck a lifesaver (it looks like one and it REALLY IS a lifesaver of sorts).

    Lincoln held his potty for 14 hours straight and we couldn't figure out why. It was because he was getting his cone stuck in the ground (such a little guy) and he couldn't move freely.

    We took the cone off and he immediately pottied right then and there. :)

    We searched online for Neuterings and we came across another messageboard and they were talking about these things. We said what the heck and went to Petco (Petsmart does not sell them at this time) and bought it. You literally blow 5x into the thing and it is blown up. We have to add air every other day or so cause it does get deflated a little. You actually put your pups collar right through the straps on the inside so he wears as his collar. You can still get a leash on them too without much trouble.

    Lincoln doesn't even mind us putting it on him either. NO fussing!

    Good Luck - please let me know how it goes!
  • ♥ AdEle

    Good Morning Brian,
    Brynn is sooooooo cute ! Beautiful color too ..
    Thank you for your kind word ...
    It is very nice meeting you
  • Bama Girl

    Thanks for your comment. Congrats on your new PWC as well. I hope Brynn is not too traumatized from the meet-up. If she is, there is always Caesar to the rescue! Have fun and enjoy your PWC.
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, I got the camera to work!!!! Check out my pics of the giant pile of fur!!! My pics of the dogs aren't as cute as yours. Charlotte doesn't like having her picture taken!!
  • Charlie

    Hi Brian,

    Yes the walks are still much better for the most part. Charlie does understand now that he's not supposed to pull...but occassional does that "teenage" testing of the rules to see if he can get away with it. : ) How is Brynn doing?
  • Carol Braitman

    Brian...Are you still rocking???? Start looking for a good groomer now. I've gone through several, before I found one I really liked. One brushed Augie so hard , he got sores, and scabs, echh. Liked Petsmarts groomers, they were very good with the dogs. Now I'm with a groomer at the vet. still have to brush between groomings....Sorry...
  • Charlie

    I'm afraid I don't know how to keep Brynn from putting the leash in her mouth. Charlie finally chewed straight through his first leash trying to play tug of war when I first put it on. LOL I moved up from a thin 3/8" leash to a thicker 5/8" leash which he seems to chew on less (don't know why)...maybe he just outgrew leash chewing? He does seem to like to "carry" it for the first few minutes. As long as he's not pulling, I'm ok with it. I've heard of people spraying the leash with Bitter Apple.

    I would keep an eye on her gagging on her food. I'm not sure what might cause that, but if wetting it down is working, it's probably not something for too much worry. Maybe she's eating too fast?
  • Charlie

    You might try putting some rocks in her food bowl to slow her down. (Obviously larger rocks than what she might swallow.) She'll have to pick around the rocks and that'll take her more time. Let me know how the Bitter Apple works on her leash. :)
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, Took new kitty to get spayed, have to pick her up tomorrow. Doggies go to the groomer in the morning. Your trip sounds like fun!.. We just keep having snow, ice, sleet, etc. I took a really cool pic of Roy out in the snow today. He's the only cat I've ever had that loves snow, rain, etc. I had a cat named Henry. She was the best!! I had her for 14 years. When she died, I got Roy. Have a great trip,can't wait to see the pics!!!!
  • Carol Braitman

    Brynn is getting so big and more grown up looking. Looks like you guys had a great weekend!
  • Charlie

    Hmmm...Bitter Apple and still leash chewing? You might try teaching her "Leave It" with the leash off her and give her a treat for not touching it. Then transfer the "Leave It" to when the leash is attached.

    Or, try holding the leash but as long as she is chewing it, totally ignore her: no walking, no talking, no eye contact, nothing. At the point (could take a few minutes at first) she wonders why you're being so boring, she should let go and look at you. Then you can "Good Girl! Let's go walk!" If she chews, stop all activity and be boring again until she drops it.
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, Thanks for asking about new kitty, she is doing great. She is the sweetest thing. I still can't believe somebody dumped her...but she's mine now!!! My dogs use to chew the leash when they were small also. I think they were really excited, but she's also probaly going to start losing her baby teeth soon. Keep on the lookout while vacuuming. Give her plenty of other stuff to chew also. Charlotte loves ice cubes, cold bones!
  • Kristen

    I think it is great that you travel with Brynn. I love to take our group with us when we travel. The Corgis all travel well. I even built a platform so they can be at the window level when they are in the back of our Durango. They are more content when they can look outside. Out senior black lab/golden gets carsick and stresses in the car so we usually have a dog sitter watch her. We have found several dog friendly hotels, but sometimes that can be a challenge. State and National Parks seem to be good options since they typically allow pets in cabins. I don't enjoy traveling as much when they aren't with us. I have even been known to take my kids when I travel across the state for work. I just find doggie day care for while I am in my meetings. My travels don't seem to be a scenic as yours.
  • Lincoln is Corgilicious

    when is/was the big surgery day for your little one?

    lincoln recovered just fine ... a little to fine for the vet's liking though. he was really active and the vet was worried that he would open his wound.
  • Kristen

    I've spent a little bit of time in Washington and I can only imagine how beautiful Oregon must be. The only plans I have this weekend are at home. It has been a busy work week and I will enjoy being home at the farm. It is supposed to be up to 50 on Saturday...quite warm compared to what it has been. I think that means lots of puppy baths, the snow is melting and that means muddy puppies!
  • Charlie

    Charlie is the same way, good and bad days, but many, many, many more good days once he figured out that we don't move if the leash is tight. He even heeled right next to my leg with full eye contact for a couple of blocks yesterday without me asking him to "Heel". I was surprised and delighted! I let him get ahead, lag behind or go off to the long as there is slack in the leash, so for him to "volunteer" a formal heel bowled me over.

    I'd glad the harness stopped Brynn's leash chewing! Puppies are great at teaching us humans how to have more patience and figure out different solutions, huh? Keep up the good work! : - )
  • Kristen

    I started washing them in the shower as well. It just seems to be faster and they seem more comfortable. As much as they like water they still don't like baths. Maybe they are just upset I'm taking off all the good smells that they worked so hard at getting into just the right places!
  • Patti

    Brian - thanks 4 your kind words about Kai - he's feeling a bit better - Luna's doing her best to stay still and keep him company. BTW - both my dogs love the ocean - we'll get Kai back their as soon as he's back on his feet!
  • Kristen

    You are fortunate. I think there are just so many opportunities at the farm. I hope she maintains her dignity and stays out of the poo! It's too late for my kids.;o)
  • Mandy and Lori

    I love the new pics of Brynn, she is gorgeous!! I love her coloring!! I just wanted to drop in and see how you guys are doing. Have a nice week.
  • Kristen

    Did you all make it to Mount St. Helens this weekend? We had a 70 degree day on Saturday and it snowed on Sunday. Interesting weekend.
  • Kristen

    Did Brynn end up with little piles of snow on her nose? Storms on the Coast next weekend. Sounds exciting.
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, You guys are so lucky you can take off every weekend!! Patti and I want to start our own corgi dogsled team. I think Brynn would be an excellent addition! We are having an ice storm right now. I don't think winter is ever going to end.....
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, I am 100%, we are doing well. New kitty got her stiches out today. But, OMG, It's going to snow again. We are suppose to get 6-9 inches tomorrow and Sat. This winter is lasting fo-ev-errr!!! IttyDars couldn't go out in the sleet the other day. It made her witty eyes go blinky, blinky. She is having a hard time on the ice, it makes her unsteady. Oh well, the sun has to shine eventually....
  • Kristen

    Watching whales...I'm so jealous. We might head to Grand Island to see the Sandhills Cranes. They are on their annual spring migration through the central flyway. Hundreds of thousands--pretty spectacular, but I would love to see the whales. I have only seen whales once when I lived on Saipan for a year when I was a kid. The kids have been naughty the last few days. I've been on my own all week and they are being difficult about coming in. I think they figure if they don't come in, I don't go to work...which is right. When session gets over we are all going back to obedience class.
  • Carol Braitman

    Brian, Join my group!!!
  • Kristen

    Were you able to see Whales at the shore last weekend? We didn't make it to see the Cranes, but we had a great weekend just hanging out.
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian! What have you all been up to lately?? Thanks for joining my group, I hope you have lots of crafty ideas for us!! Augie rehurt his ACL chasing geese, and has been quite lame. I have been having to take him in and out. He seems to be getting better, but is very clingy. He wants to go with me everywhere I go, in the car and everything. His 7th birthday is the 25th. I have him on a starvation diet trying to get some weight off him. But his is still my sweet, compliant boy.
  • Charlie

    Hi Brian,

    Haven't seen you on the forum for a while, but we may just be on at different times. How is Brynn doing?
  • Charlie

    Good to hear from you! Happy to hear you and Brynn are doing well. They do grow up fast, don't they?

    Charlie is still just everything I wanted in a dog. He is bouncing between bratty teenager and showing me glimpses of the terrific adult he will be. It's so much fun to watch him grow. : - )
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, Augie is doing much better. I still have to help him up and down the stairs when he goes outside, but at least I don't have to carry him like I was. We are going to Fla next week for spring break, and they are going to stay here with my neighbors watching them. I'm glad I don't have to take them to the kennel. They usually go to my breeders, but the pack would kill him if he is lame.Hope Brynn does well with her surgery, keep us posted!
  • Ricky Jones

    Just droppin in to say hey...tryin to meet other Corgis in Portland
  • Ricky Jones

    Actually we just moved here and learned there are play dates on the second Sunday of every month at Chapman School at 11:00. This weekend will be our first :) buuut...we will be going to those other ones as well, see you there.
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian!!!
    I've been off the site for a problems, changed my job..but now I'm back. Wondering how you are all doing. We are well. Charlote turned 4 on the 11th. My nephew has been my "manny" this summer, and is taking them for long walks everyday. They are actually looking kind of trim!!!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Brian, Good to hear from you also. I lost one of my cats a couple weeks ago. Baby seemed to have a stroke, I've never had a larger pet die at home before. It was rough, but we are all adjusting. You have to post some new pics of that pretty girl!!
  • Liz & Remi

    Brynn is such a gorgeous little girl! :-)