

Pensacola, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Pensacola, FL
About Me:
My husband and I have two puppies Chuck Norris (our Corgi) and Roxy (our American Pit Bull Terrier). They are so cute together- best buddies with everything! The four of us are eagerly awaiting the newest addition to our family in January- so far they've been very good about the changes.
About My Corgi(s):
Chuck Norris (Chuck for short) is our little Napoleon. He likes to play chase and 'talk back' a lot. He's a total lover and somewhat lazy, unless he thinks someone who doesn't belong is coming up to our door- or if there's food.

Comment Wall:

  • Dannielle

    Welcome! Chuck is absolutely adorable :o)
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Chuck and family!
  • Katie

    Daddy, wize you squishin mah face?
  • Carmen

    Thanks for the nice compliments. Chuck Norris is adorable and I love his name!

    Pandora is a fluffy. She has longer fur than a normal coated corgi. She is a purebred. I just brush her once a week and we feed high quality food. We don't give our dogs baths, unless they really need it (covered in mud, stinky, etc.) I know others give their dogs supplements to make their coats shiny. I'm not sure what all they give.
  • Niki

    Oh trust me I had no clue they were going to shave him when we took him to the groomers. The groomer told me..i am just going to trim him up for I thought ok..I had no idea that they would completely shave him like was horrible. I think I cried for three days straight. He is back to being my normal fluffy Kirby. I have learned since not to go back to that same groomer :)