Hoogie's Family

Profile Information:

North Easton, MA
About Me:
We were a happy family of four before Hoogie came along. Now we are one million times happier because this little guy came into our family. We all contribute to this website because we just LOVE corgis!
About My Corgi(s):
Hoogie's full name is Peter van den Hoogenbaand. He is named for an Olympic swimmer from Holland. He is almost 4 years old and is just the best fella ever. He is a fluffy corgi, which just means there's more fluff to love. He always has this look on his face, like he's saying, "I'm ready when you are!"

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Hoogie's family!
  • Sasha

    Welcome to the family of corgi lovers and their corgi(s).:) Hope you enjoy our family! Are you Corgi enough?
  • Jan

    Hi and welcome I hope to get come corgis together at some time and to also get more of the local corgis out of the back yards and together we play with a local corgi named radar but do not discriminate we love all our 4 legged and some 3 friends........please fee free to contact any time corgily yours the Portsmouth trio...........
  • Cindi

    Welcome Hoogie and family! Thanks for sharing your overwhelming handsomeness!
  • Hoogie's Family

    Thank you guys for your fluffy welcomes!
  • Hoogie's Family

    We are so excited to be a member of my corgi, a website with our people!
  • Sam Tsang

    2, Mocha and Vienna :) Thanks!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi Hoogie! (such a cute name) =P I love flufffiiiess!!! Anyways, I sure do feel lucky to be Bailey's mommy. he's the bestest. lol. =)
  • Charlie

    Thank you for the compliment on Charlie. Hoogie's a very handsome boy too! I love the look of fluffies. You should post some more pictures of him.
  • Enzo

    Thank you, we are very happy to have him. He is quite the handful though :)
  • Carmen

    Hi! Thanks for the nice comments on my page! Hoogie does look a lot like Miss Pandora I love his white eyebrows! ( I also love the Mac!)
  • Erica

    Wyatt hates his sweater...but hopefully he loves the Red Sox Jersey he is going to get soon! Go Sox!
  • Hoogie's Family

    That's cool that your getting Wyatt a Red Sox jersey! Maybe we could find one for Hoogie Fella. Anyway, GO SOX!!!!
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Great pics! Hoogie is adorable... I love his little white eyebrows. :-)
  • Florence Fong

    Thanks but this picture is not my Ritz. I downloaded it from the internet. Have yet to download his pictures. =)
  • Florence Fong

    My Ritz has a red patch on top of his head too but the white blaze in the middle of the head to the nose is much narrower. He's red/white too but not a fluffy. So far, I have only seen 1 fluffy in Singapore.
  • Hoogie's Family

    Come check out the new photos!:)
  • CorgiPants

    Awwww, Hoogie is too cute and I love that name!
  • Danielle_RN

    Hoogie is an absolutely GORGEOUS Corgi! One of the prettiest I have seen. I want a red and white fluffy for my next love...
  • Vickie

    Hi he is just adorable He looks just like Gracie with the side view on the stairs. I am also on a fun group fluffycult which is a fun group of people who love fluffys. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks for the kind words about Gracie.
  • Erica

    Hey Hoogie, my favorite food is hot dogs too.
  • Erica

    Looks like I might have to try that for a treat. Hoogie is adorable.
  • *Samantha*

    Hoogie is amazing! I love fluffies :). Sometimes I wish my girls had a little more fluff!
  • *Samantha*

    Thanks, that pic is very indicative of their personalities. Maddie is very relaxed and Maya is a little high strung :). When they de-stuff toys I used to try and fix them but now I just give up! I try to buy toys that are for "strong" chewers. Basically they take the stuffing out of those and just play with the carcass!
  • Liz & Remi

    Your Hoogie is so freakin' adorable! :)
  • Liz & Remi

    Aww, thank you so much for your kind words!
  • Pepper

    Hi Hoogie! I saw you on the New England Corgi page and realized that we must be very close to each other! We live in Brockton! I think it'd be great to meet at one of our local parks one weekend...What do you think about getting a S.Eastern Mass meet-up going?
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    What a cute Fluff! He's so similar to my Shippo!
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    LOL, the hair braiding thing is funny. Shippo's butt hair is so long, I really COULD braid it! Maybe that would keep it from getting stepped on all the time! He lies under whichever furniture I sit on, and every now and then, I'll go to get up and hear a "YIPE!!" look down, and see a clump of the hair from his pants. Poor guy.
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    I forgot to say, I got Shippo's name from an anime I watch called Inuyasha.