

Madison, Wisconsin

United States

Profile Information:

Madison, Wisconsin
About Me:
Single, work full-time, live alone
About My Corgi(s):
Until recently I lived with Neika, a Cardigan Corgi who was 11.5 years old and Bodecea, a Pembroke Corgi, who is 4 years old, both females. Neika died suddenly on Sept. 8, 2008. Bodecea is a wonderful, loving, active girl who is now very lonely and kind of depressed. She has never stayed alone before. Bodecea has always been a bit shy - it takes her a few meetings before she will warm up to people. Neika was very outgoing and Bodecea seemed to like that "protection". Bodecea gets along very well with other dogs and cats. She enjoys playing with the dogs and cats in the neighborhood. She has accepted them into her "family" and she is very protective of them. Bodecea and I are currently looking for a new sister to keep us both company.

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Peggy and Bodecea! Sorry to hear of your will find a sister soon!
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome Peggy and Bodecea! Jillie says Hi and looking forward to seeing pictures! We are sorry for your loss of Neika. We also lost our American Eskimo dog in March of this year and our lab mix, Jack was lost and depressed. We decided to get him a new playmate and the rest is history. Jillie came to our family and has helped us all with the loss of Keke.