

Duluth, Mn

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm 46, in Minnesota and just got married last October. I'm in the Health Insurance business, but am currently working in the Hotel business as a front desk representative. I LOVE to travel and have been to many places. My favorite car is a convertible, though I have never owned one because of where I live.
About My Corgi(s):
I just became a Corgi owner on 10/12/08 after having to put down my 15 year old German Shepard/Malamute dog that I had since 1993...It tore me up, but she lost all usage of her hind quarters after suffering some form of a stroke in her spinal column. I found my Corgi named Buddy on on 10/12/08 and upon going to see this cute 2 1/2 year old dog, I brought him home. He is a Pembroke Corgi and silly as a He likes to play BALL all day if he could, and also likes to play hide and seek and finds every little corner to hide himself and his little bones The only problem I seem to be having with him at the moment is that I cannot get him to go to the bathroom in our back yard, and I'm sure it's because he smells my other Dog all over back there, so if ANYONE has any ideas on how I can undo this, please feel free to tell me, as our winter month's are coming upon us here, and I really need him to be able to just go out our back door and down 2 steps, instead of having to bundle up in the dead of winter to take him away from his yard. Thank you to anyone at all that can help me out with this poor little guy.

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Jewels! Your corgi may have had a bad experience at his last owners you know anything about him??? Maybe he was left outside and is afraid of being left...have you tried taking him out on a leash in the backyard? Corgi's respond very well to FOOD as an incentive...just a thought.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    oh my gosh that is so funny that you and your husband are here.
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome Jewels! Jillie says Hi and we are looking forward to seeing pictures of your corgi. In regards to your backyard issue, I agree to put him on a leash and try walking with him. Hopefully, just till he feels comfortable and confident that when he goes out he will still get to come back in the house. Take treats out with you and praise him for going in the backyard and reward him with a treat. I hope he learns how to go outside by himself real soooooon, before it gets too cold! We had to do this with our JIllie, when we got her in March, but now she does the backyard all by herself. ( now sometimes she doesn't want to come in. lol) Good luck...keep us posted!
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Hi...... That is great to hear about Buddy having a good day! He is improving and moving in the right direction, it just takes time. I know you are willing to do what ever it takes to give Buddy a good life.
    I enjoyed reading your lively blog!!!!! LOL Keep posting and letting us know how he is doing!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Jewels and family!