
66, Female

Las Vegas, Nevada

United States

Profile Information:

Riverside, California USA
About Me:
Corgi owner for more than 25 years.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
The most intelligent, accomplished dogs on the planet.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Curt, Griffin and Violet

    Hi Karen,

    I see you area fellow Las Vegan! Where do you and your Corgi live? We are in Anthem.
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome! Jillie says hi from South Carolina!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Tammey & Caven

    Hello Karen and welcome.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    LOL...well I could ship you what I get..I'm sure you could make millions. LOL One thing is just groom more then once a week. In heavy shedding I like to use the furminator comb, then bathe, then blow them out and rebrush using a shedding comb and then the slicker. I don't like to use the furminator too much since it will damage the hair coat and if showing this is a comb you shouldn't use heavily if at all. I also give brewer yeast tabs daily that you can buy at the store. Do they work..hmmm..can't say. LOL But I have females blowing coats cause of litters and coming in and out of season. Lighting is a major component for shedding. I just groom as I watch TV and that really cuts down on the fur and I've got 7 of them running around. The other thing I like alot is just a simple bristle brush..it grabs all those loose fine hairs and and cleans the coat after grooming and helps to distribute the oils from the skin making them glossy and shiney. I hardly bath my dogs or use anything on their coats. When I do bathe I like..dont think I'm crazy...but Pantene Pro V high shine glacier shampoo. No conditioner since I think it makes the coat heavy. Thank you for the compliment on my dogs.. I love them to death and my new pup is really coming along. She becoming my girl!