Merlin's Parents

Pittsburgh, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Pittsburgh, PA
About Me:
What can we say about us other than we are proud to be Merlin's parents.
About My Corgi(s):
Not only is our company (Merlin's Bark Products) named after our furry baby - Merlin is also the CEO and even has his own blog (! Merlin is an "only child" so he is kind of spoiled rotten. He's the love of our lives, the center of our universe and knows it. He's 8 1/2 years old, loves to go on hikes, play with his yellow bouncy ball, and eat! Food is Merlin's first love...

Comment Wall:

  • Kitty's Corner

    Greetings and welcome!Great pics and Merlin looks quite happy!
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome! Jillie says hi to Merlin!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Sherry, Jerry and Merlin!
  • Corrigan Gommenginger

    Thanks for the comment, and the welcome. Welcome to you as well. Merlin is so cute, and I love the name :)

    He is obvisouly more accomplished then my Merlin, he is no CEO yet, but he is a good homemaker.
  • Sam Tsang

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Your welcome! Have a safe and happy holiday.
  • Nancy Geddes

    Dear Merlin (and your parents): Your pictures are truly captivating. My elder corgi Bear is going to be nine soon and there is something so very soulful about those eyes - yes, I love my two younger corgis, but Bear and I have been through many, many years together. I can see that same beautiful window in Merlin's eyes. May you have many, many wonderful years ahead. Sincerely, Nancy (Bear, Tasha and wee Linus)
  • Anne

    Thanks! Merlin looks so similar to my parent's Pembroke, Punch who is also 8. I have a couple of pix on my page.
  • Gianluca Bufardeci

    Wow beautiful pictures and wonderful corgi.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    wow.. merlin is certainly a beautiful corgi!! I love his face.. Your pictures are beautiful.