
, Female


South Africa

Profile Information:

About Me:
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Rolf, my late Welsh Pembroke.
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • robin

    Welcome to the world of corgi lovers!!!! Looking forward to many discussions, photos and sharing corgi stories
  • Sylvia & Timmy


    So sorry to hear about Rolf. Hugs and sympathy for your loss. Timmy sends corgi kisses as well. (Best healing tonic on the planet)

  • Kristen

    I am so sorry about Rolf. I know how hard it is to lose a friend. Welcome to MyCorgi.
  • Tracie & Emmy

    I am very sorry for your loss.
  • Cindi

    I'm so sorry for your loss of Rolf. That's so heart breaking.
  • robin

    yes, her legs are a little longer and yes she is fast!!! she's 7 months now and is starting to grow into her legs hahaha!!! her body is getting bigger so now her legs look shorter!! she's still fast!!!
  • robin

    yes, she still has her tail and i love it!!! I'm not sure if thats a new trend or not but the breeder I got her from had a litter of 8 and chose to leave the tails on 4 because she had many people interested in corgi's with tails and beleive it or not she said they were the first to go I think its personal preference.
  • robin

    Will you be getting another corgi Selma?
  • robin

    Yes I agree!! I love looking at them all!! Makes me want another one but I cant right now, its alot of work with just one!! If I do, I'm leaning towards a tri-color
  • robin

    I imagine the tail does help with that!! Foxi's tail is very thick and is getting long. When I brush it, I can get just as much fur out of it as when I brush her body!!!! Mabe thats why they dock them hahaha!!!! just kiddin!! I have had alot of compliments on her tail. Some people think she's a mix but I dont care. I love her either way!!
  • Me

    You sound like a candidate for the furminator !
  • Kristen

    They trap for racoons, badgers, beaver, but I don't really know what the guy that killed Basil was hoping to get. The trap was big so I'm thinking Coyote. It was horrible. Now we are fighting a repaeal of the law change we were able to get in place last year. I'm trying to find out if any other states actually allow trapping in the right-of-way.
  • Kristen

    I have never seen one quite as dark as Lizzie either. she had a sister that was almost a twin. I would like to see how she finished. Potter is reveling in the fact that she is still more coordinated that the new puppy and she will run and knock him down. Right now he seems to enjoy it, but I'm thinking it won't be long before she is back at the bottom of the pecking order. The problem is she acts just like a Corgi and won't back down. The only dog she is submissive to is Lizzie. She is a funny little thing.
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks Selma :) Glad you're enjoying the site!
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Hi Selma! Very sorry to hear about Rolf, he is a beautiful boy.Losing a pet is like losing a family member and a part of your soul. Hope you are doing well. Welcome to mycorgi, lots of wonderful corgi lovers here, we're all in good company. I'm looking forward to picking up my little scamp soon, will be my first corgi. Two more weeks! :)
  • Me

    I was very surprised to discover that the Hefner household includes a Corgi.
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Thanks Selma! I am training my owner well at the moment, keeping her on her toes and locked in the hypnotic grips of my adorableness. Hugh Hefner has a corgi you say?? Hahah, ah the things it must see LOL.
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Well, I do like to sneak over and flip the television to late night cinemax when my owner is asleep. Shhhh don't tell! Ah well, I guess hollywood just can't handle all the attention we corgis get. The tabloids would be full of pictures of us! =)
  • Karen & Bailey

    haha! =P I will try to catch a picture of him smiling! It's hard cause its been cold lately and he has no reason to pant. LOL. =P

    Ooo and yes one of Hefner's girlfriends has a red/white corgi. I saw a clip where she had boughta corgi shaped balloon for him/her for its birthday. it was so cute. =P
  • Karen & Bailey

    haha want to come over for corgi-chops tonight? just kidding! Yes, he's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. I am so glad I have someone to explore the world with. He's so sweet and you can tell he totally a people dog, which I love about him. I hope you will get a corgi of your own again soon. Sorry to hear about Rolf. Have a great day!
  • Juel

    Thank you for your imput, I love to hear peoples stories and seeing their babies!
  • James

    Hi Selma, Cheez-it is alot of fun. I lived in Cape Town for a short while and have been to Durban. It is vert nice, your lucky to live there!