
17, Male

richmond virginia

United States

Profile Information:

Richmond, Virginia
About Me:
In Honour of all Animals, and in Gratitude to Court, my Therapy Dog who
is bringing me back to life, here is a link to this past weekend's (Oct 5, 2008) Blessing of the Beasts. Court is the featured pet in the foto, blessed.

(Foto taken by Court's rescuer Pat Pearce in Oklahoma)
I am a first time corgi owner, and I credit my sister who has loved corgis, for sharing that love with me. We had dachshunds growing up (Pepe, Schatzi, Chutzpah; I had a cat, as well, named Agamemnon, and in college I adopted a rescue cat, Frieda, who later stayed in the country with a friend, much happier, when I moved to the city).
Formerly, losing a pet made it nearly impossible to get another. My heart felt like it had been stretched to the max. But as I came to love my friend's and family's pets, I realized that allowing other pets into my life grew my capacity for love even bigger!
I worked with refugees resettling here in Richmond, Virginia for 6 months before I got my own 'refugee'/rescue corgi!
I am loving, even when challenged by lack of sleep(he barks when thunderstorms begin, during and end; or very cold or hot temperatures:), getting out many times a day to walk Court, meeting other dogs, their owners, watching nature change and being more aware of the seasons. Adopting a dog meant that my history of going off on retreat to various meditation and other places was now transported to the rich life retreat with my sweet corgi, in an apartment, on drives, at parks, at a Diamond Dog House.
My parents are both from abroad, and being first generation American and feeling an imagined isolation, I am truly feeling connected to the world now, thanks especially to Court.
I am single and am open to being in relationship again, also thanks to Court and the many other dogs and owners and people I meet because of Court...
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
Website:, http://ww...
About My Corgi(s):
In February my Viennese grandmother, who I was very close to, became hospitalized and her health 'deteriorated'. I had started looking for a dog, and had always wanted a Scottie, however the rescuers for Scottie's that I found (on stipulated that the dog have a yard and/or be adopted by a previous Scottie owner.
Next choice: corgi. I don't know how it happened, but within a couple days of the search, Court (in the same foto as the profile foto) appeared
at the top of my search results list. How do we know, as I did, that that
doggie felt already like a special friend to me. I read his history:
He had been found about 7ish months, beg Nov. 2007, shot in the hip and abandoned, running alone and injured. A vet treated his hip, and one can hardly tell there was such a serious injury. He then went to Pat Pearce, a well-known corgi rescuer, who wrote the chapter on corgi rescues in
the book, EVERYTHING CORGI (whose proceeds benefit CorgiAid).
Application ok, he flew to me from Oklahoma City to Richmond within
a few hours, and there he was, brought out to me and my sister (who documented the 'union'!) in his crate, happy, sweet, and licking our
hands...The rescuer named him Court, as he had another name similar she didn't like...because I had been in an accident and I am still involved in court cases, the name was a perfect happy spin on the situation!
After I got him, he was officially named:
H.H.(His Highness), Court Maria von Wembley (Maria for the poet Rainer Maria Rilke) and von Wembley, because of the UK/Anglo-saxon connection, Wembley being a huge stadium in England where a LiveEarth concert was held.
Things I've learned:
PATIENCE: at first there were many things to teach/guide him to do or not do. I was trying to train him in way too many things at once, so I slowed it down with help from other corgi and dog owners, and over the last 3 months he has unlearned or nearly unlearned any difficult behavior and learned safer ones.
I love him so much. at first his devotion to me was painful: he still follows me around the apartment, if only to sit down and immediately get up again! He has a sensitive stomach at times, and it seems to be better if he gets a splintering chew toy, that I not only watch him, I put it away rather than leave it available to him on the floor.
At night he tends to begin sleep at the foot of my bed: sometime in the night he comes up close to me, head near my head, so in the morning I take time with him and give good 'scritches' and rub rubs, and lightly rubs his cool nose on my hand or on my nose!
Isn't it great to walk with them? esp. when their heads are held high and the feet are scurrying almost like walking on air.
I met Sailor, a corgi girl on this site, as Erin (her owner)'s boyfriend
spotted me and Court as he drove landed me and Court not
only dear friends, but Patrick works at a fun daycare place,
and Court has become so well socialized as a result of going over there regularily. He loves the water, and the Dog House knows it and obliges!
Living through the first coat blow was an experience. Just like with children, learning what to do, not do is a humbling experience.
He loves to ride in the car and run free at my friend Mary's, with her cattledog/pitbull mix sweet Scylla in her big back yard.
Sweetest of all is watching him play with Sailor, another corgi.
well I can write more.
Love to all of you corgis and corgi lovers out there! Peace in the world thru corgis!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kristen

    Welcome to MyCorgi. It sounds like you two found each other at the right tome. I'm sorry about your assault, but glad you are recovering. He is a handsome little guy.
  • Kristen

    There are a number of experienced dog trainers on this site. You might want to post the nipping issue on the forums page. I've learned so much there. Good luck to you and Court.
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Welcome to the family. Court is a very good looking boy, and I am sure you two will help eachother through this rough time. Tracie
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Court!
  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome! Court's a lucky dog to have you. So many dogs with behavior issues just get abandoned. And I know you take great comfort in having Court as you recover.
  • Court

    Wow, how great...
    thank you all for the welcome! court is resting on his side with those sweet legs sticking
    out to the side on the floor...he now sleeps between some of my movements, instead
    of watching me and being super alert to my every movement.
    it is perfect timing that we are together, and I have so much more faith in life. Thank you ALL!
  • Kim's_Corgi's

    it's so great that you and court have each other to care for! corgi's are the best companions ever. good luck with nip. our new little pup was that was and i have been patient and re-directed him over the last three weeks. he seldom nips anymore. it seemed to be his way of getting my attention at first and now he is more secure.
  • Court

    I have all these things to read for classes I'm taking
    and all I want to do is read about all of you and
    learn more about other corgis!!! does anyone else
    feel like this?!! my priorities are changing!
    it's wonderful to have good news and hugs and kisses!
  • Kristen

    I know wwhat you mean. When I'm not highly motivated at work I tend to drift to the site to check up on things...Like right now! lol Such a pleasant distraction.
  • NoClaws4Alarm

    What's always worked for me is to make a high pitch yip (like the sound a puppy makes when hurt) when he nips. All dogs seem to know that sound means "OUCH" and they back off. When he gives you that shocked expression (and he will!) say firmly "No bite". If he continues, stand, face away from him, with your arms across your chest. After a few moments, you can go back to him. Repeat as necessary.

    What this does is tells him he's hurt you, and when he hurts you, he doesn't get to be with you. You are his world right now. That's the worst punishment he can imagine!
  • nwcorgifan

    Wow, it sounds like both you and Court have had a rough time. I'm glad you have each other.
  • Rebecca

    Hey there!! ya I shave Havoc down myself but it takes a bit of time. Between bathing, drying, shaving, then cleaning afterwards lets just say make sure you have a full afternoon. Havoc's pretty good for me to groom because he is a senior and I've been doing it for years. Court being so young may take you sometime if you plan on shaving him yourself. You'll have to give him a few breaks. If I didn't have all the grooming tools I would forsure bring him to a groomer, its worth the money.
  • Joan

    Court is a very cute Corgi I must say. I think it is great that you got him from a rescue shelter. How old s he? It breaks my heart to know there are so many abused animals.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Leila

    Not a problem :)
    Click Forum and scroll to the very bottom and there is a "notify" button for Email me when there are new discussions.

    ha ha ha really? I thought Mocha was a chocolate coffee drink only :)

    I don't think there is a single corgi owners group yet, would you like to start one? Just press "groups" and start one :)
  • Court

    hey any single corgi owners out there? anywhere! would anyone be interested in starting one? Sam said it's easy (if I had immediate time i would...anyway I'm a single corgi owner, with this handsome young man to my left here named Court. I've met 2 couples in Richmond, Va here with corgis...I love to watch corgis play together, it's my new best thing!
  • Court

    oh i meant would someone want to start a single corgi owner's group? single all around the world:). Sam says you just have to press 'groups' and start one!
  • Erika

    Hey I got the picture from my breeder. Her website is That photo was from last year with her very first litter of pups and I got Arby.
  • Mandi

    Hey! I was wondering if maybe you wanted to try to get Roxy and Court together at an area dog park sometime? Roxy's older brother Oliver the Cavalier would like to come play, too.
  • Indy

    Hi Leila, apologies for the delayed response! I use a Sony Cybershot DSC-T70 camera. I love the pics of Court in the pool :)
  • Pat Pearce

    Court - you are one lucky little dog. and I know you are well loved. Stay well and keep things lined out.

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's