

Schenectady, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Schenectady, NY
About Me:
What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Amy Winehouse! Find out at Dogster.com
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My Corgi's name is Boomer. She is named after a character from Battlestar Galactica. She seems to have a mix of some type in her that makes her look like a giant chihuaha. lol
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kristen

    Welcome Julie. Looking forward to seeing pictures of Boomer.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Julie and Boomer!
  • Kristen

    I have four Corgis right now. My first Corgi passed about a year and a half ago. I miss him terribly. Thank you for the compliment on the pictures. Nice to have a good subject to take pictures of. How is Boomer doing?
  • Kristen

    It is not uncommon to have a setback in housebreaking at about 5-6 months even without the surgery. I would expect that it is temporary and she will get back on track very soon! Nice pictures. Boomer is very cute! If you figure out how to get her to stop chasing cats let me know. With ours it is a pafk mentality and the barn cats egg it on.
  • Mariana

    Boomer is beautiful. I love all of her red. It reminds me of corgis from the earlier part of the 20th century.
  • Christine

    Hi Julie and Boomer! We used to have a corgi named Boomer too! and we named her after that character on Battlestar Galatica too!! And she was almost all red and sable too!!!! But sadly, our Boomer was killed in a tragic car accident. She was only about 16 months old. We still think of her and recount her funny moments and antics everyday. Your Boomer really reminds us of ours... =)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hello Boomer from another tailed Pembroke!

    Hi there from a tailed Cardi, nice to meet you
  • SJ Chapman

    She looks like a Dorgi... the queen's new favorite breed!
  • Gracii

    Boy, at some angles, Boomer could be Kitsie's sibling (I see it in the face). What a cutie! Love those ears!