Deena O'Daniel


Austin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Thousand Oaks, CA
About Me:
I've had dogs all my life, and in a "prior life" I was a nationally known breeder/exhibitor of Siberian Huskies. I've had pet Corgis for 11 years and would never have another breed of dog. We live in the country outside Austin, Texas, where the Corgis bark at the deer but won't get closer than 20-30 feet. The deer ignore the Corgis.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Monty is 11, a sweetheart and the smartest dog I've ever had. He's had some physical problems - ruptured disc at age 5, a ruptured spleen tumor 2 years ago, pancreatitis last year, and now a torn ACL. Otherwise perfectly healthy. (!)Rosie is a 9 year old tri-color, just as playful, nosy, bossy and funny as a puppy. She tries to herd the cat.

Update: Rosie passed away at almost 12 years old in June, 2011 from the effects of Degenerative Myelopathy. Three months later Monty had the third of 3 seizeures and passed away at alomst 14 years old. Now I have Dakota, a beautiful red headed tri girl who was born in October, 2010 and came to me in November 2011. She's an only dog and loves the countyy life.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Deena and family!