

Brockton, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I like the outdoors and riding in my jeep in the summer with my corgi toby!
About My Corgi(s):
I love my corgi she is my life! she has been a joy and alot of work and vet bills due to allergies but worth every cent.

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Laura Jones

    Welcome! Happy Holidays!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to!
  • Elizabeth Brown

    Your corgi is named Toby!! I lost my Toby in February this year. Your's looks like an angel. My picture is of my new babies JD, Turk, and their sister Milly.
  • Elizabeth Brown

    yeah I wasn't gonna say anything about getting a pet store pup, but she is so cute and looks so much like my toby. It's sad the way pet store dogs are. I was walking through one this weekend. Those dogs look so sick and they had Chihuahua-Dachshund mixes there selling for $600. I'm so glad to hear she's overcome her illnesses. It sounds like Toby has a great mom
  • Codie Bear

    codie definitely is full of energy, its funny how his favorite toy's the only one we didn't buy him. my parent's live in rhode island, which i think is pretty close to brockton, we'll have to set up some play dates. codie's only friends right now are kitties
  • Elizabeth Brown

    Hey, my boys are great. I love having 2. they are inseparable. I miss my Toby so much, but I love J.D. and Turk. I have so many pictures but I just need to upload them from my camera. Thanks for the kind words.
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Scooter has allergies too. What is Toby allergy to? Scooter is allergy to eggs and beef. I bake all her treats and read every label of anything she eats. Sometimes it is a pain by well worth it. She is great as long as I watch what she eats!
    Tody is lucky you bought her and love her. I feel most pet shop buy their puppies from puppy mills. No true breeder would sell their puppies to a pet shop! So it's a good chance Toby had a hard life from the start until you took her into your life and heart. Did you see the video on opening page on puppy mill in Washington? Bad!!! I hate puppy mill owners and feel so sorry for their dogs. They are into it for the money, that's all. They could care less about the animals. It'a all about the money~~ Enough of that!
    We are into Off-Road Racing and go to a race at least every other month. Scooter is Best in the Desert scoring van's mascot! Both my sons have rigs they use in recovery. Onedrives a 46 Willys and the other drives a 66 Bronco. Both have been built for crawling. We have fun!
    Good luck with little Toby. She is sure cute!