Born In Boston

Los Angeles

United States

Profile Information:

Boston, MA
About Me:
I'm married and the mom of two teenaged boys. We want to get a dog in the next year or so and from the research I've done, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi seems to be the right dog for us. . I've been reading for a few months now and I can't get over how caring, supportive and knoweldgeable the members are; I'm always learning something new and important from the various posts. So, I figure it's time to start getting serious and join up. I
About My Corgi(s):
Don't have one yet--am searching for that black headed tri colored Cardigan that will be our forever dog and go on hikes, frap madly around the yard and watch the Red Sox on TV with us. Currently, I'm looking around for reputable Cardi breeders in the Southern California area, and I've joined in the hopes of getting some of the excellent advice I've seen here so often.

Comment Wall:

  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    You have made a great decision.. The corgi is a wonderful loyal breed. let us know when you find your forever dog!! we want to see pics!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome to the site...there are lots of nice people here and its a great place to find that new pup! Good Luck with your search!
  • Sam Tsang

  • Trenton and Denise

    Thanks for the comments, I did get Malibu my tri in Ca in northen Ca but they are no longer breeding. I got my Captain in Oregon. When I first started out looking for a Cardigan I did use the breeder search on the National site and went from ther. Originally I was speaking to Jennifer Roberson at Cheysuli. She was located in Az. You may try that area as well as it is not too far from SoCal. She normally has a long list of people with waiting for puppies but she may be able to give you better information for you an a breeder in SoCal or AZ. Cardis are hard to find and get but you may have to travel. They other shot is if you wanted to try to foster or get a rescue one. But starting of with your own pup is the best bet. Good luck in your search and I will look around also and let you know if I find something.
  • Trenton and Denise

    Hey Boston I was just on the akc site and did a search and found a breeder named Mark Clarke he is in BETHEL HEIGHTS, AR 72764-8055 and he had litter on new years eve. his email . I couldn't find a website but you might want to check it out.
  • Trenton and Denise

    Sorry thought it was Arizona but was Arkansas caught my mistake too late