Jill and JOSIE

Valparaiso, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Northeast Tennessee small town
About Me:
Love my pups!! I live on a farm and have 2 great Pyrenees, a boxer puppy, and a 16 yr. old miniature schnauzer.
My partner and I raise llamas and miniature equine (horses and donkeys). 2008 was a rough year, we lost our 71/2 year old Great Dane in November, and our 14 year old Mini Dachshund just after Christmas....needless to say, heartbreaking. So into the mix is Maci, a 5 month old fawn boxer, and now a 4 month old Cardi, Josie . I am a Physical Therapist, and my Dane was the most wonderful certified therapy dog ever!! We have horses and goats, and crazy chickens (the rooster got injured Christmas eve night and spent 2 nights in the basement kennel). I love my life and my dogs most of all...they are my babies!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Yay!! I have found a puppy (4 months old, gorgeous tri female Cardigan)!! She arrived Friday, January 9, 2009!! New pics are posted and she is fitting in wonderfully with the menagerie of critters on the farm!!! CORGIS ROCK!!!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome JIll....hope you find your corgi!!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Happy New Year! & Welcome to MyCorgi.com
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome Jill and Happy New Year! Good luck in your search for a corgi! They are the best, we have a red and white Pembroke, she just turned one!
    Her name is Jillie.....LOL
  • Michelle

    Your Pyrenees is pretty. My dad had one on his farm...he loved people but disliked most other doggies. We have two cardis a mother and son. They are very rotten!

    Welcome and good luck on the corgi hunt. You might want to check with Cardigan Welsh Corgi Rescue at http://cardiganrescue.org/. ^-^
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Kristen

    Welcome Jill. Our Corgi breeder has a Great Pyrenees and Newfies along with their Corgi Clan. Good luck with your search. I keep thinking that someday I will add a Cardi to my Corgi collection. We have four Pems right now so it could be a while!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Wow..how exciting.

    The anticipation has got be killing you.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Pems are smaller and just was around the pems more but I also like the Pems heads more and the fact of no tail. At first I thought the Cardigans were doofy looking. Yes doofy not goofy. Thats a combination between dorky and goofy. LOL But I have seen some really gorgeous Cardigans. I've never been asked that question til now and really I have to honestly say its just really because I was around the Pems more then anything on the show circuit w/my horses.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    She's very pretty...she's a nice looking Cardigan.

  • Michelle

    YYYYAAAHHHH...Congrats on your new baby!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I HAD Paints...Just sold my last on about 5 months ago. It was the hardest thing for me to do and still miss her deeply. I just didn't think it was fair to keep her when my time got so limited and she deserved more. She went off to Illinois. My Buckskin Overo Mare was a reserve Champion and went to Oklahoma..my stallion to N. Carolina..a filly is still in Ohio somewhere...and my Dun Overo Mare is in Ohio also. The dog shows are worse then the horse shows I think but w/either..you have to earn their respect.

    Your new little girl is very eye appealing and really it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks..as long as your happy w/her.
  • Renee

    Hi, I'm Renee and my corgis Max. He' 4mo and a terror. Looking to get another in spring. Love your pictures. My favorite dog was a boxer named Annie Lou. Hated my ex that's when I learned to listen to the animals.LOL
  • Deanna

    Jill, thank you for your kind words. This site has really been a blessing. I have had to grieve over Ladygirl pretty much by myself. Where I live, people say "It's just a dog." I put a memorial up on MySpace and YouTube for her -- got sniped a few times by the sickos. Wendt Worth Corgis referred me to this site, and I shall forever be grateful to her for doing so. The warmth, kindness, and compassion by everyone here is what I've been looking for. It's awesome to have so many other Corgi parents to share the good times, bad, and even the painful with. Afterall, Corgis do rule! (At least in my house they do! -- LOL) I still have Topaz, my youngest, but am looking for another Corgi for her as a playmate. She's lost without her best friend. Hopefully, now that the hustle and bustle of the Holidays are over, I can do some serious looking for her. Your new puppy is cute as a bug's ear -- or should I say, a Corgi's ear? Congratulations!! I look forward to tons of pics as we all get to watch her grow up!
  • Kelly

    Hi! Yes, Im from Northwest Indiana originally. I'm farther out in Northern Illinois now, but I still come back all the time since my family & friends all live there. Congratualations on your new pup! I found Gibson on puppyfind too (yes, he's a pem). You're in for a fun and exciting experience! :)
  • Michelle

    NO...my female is a lighter brindle than her son (the bigger one). Good luck with the baby!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thats great you rescued 2 of them. It was a very tough decision that I had to force myself to do. Infact..once I had decided to place her up for sale I stopped taking care of her..I made my husband go out and look after her. It would be too hard for me to let her go if I had to keep going out there. She went to an awesome home w/2 little girls. They sent me a Christmas card w/her in a Santas hat w/the 2 girls on either side of her. It was an awesome shot but as soon as I saw it..I cried. I just need to remember that she is best where she is and they keep intouch w/me. I just get very angry of letting her go. She was my dream horse. Oh Well..worse things in life.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you. Its just horses were my entire life for so long and got me through some horrible times but my dogs do that for me now. I am happy w/what I have and feel fortunate. Maybe one day I can have a horse again or atleast lease one.
    To get a player like mine just go to my page and below my player click on the button to get one..you'll have to register an account and then select your songs..once you've done that then they'll give you a code that you copy and come back to your page here and paste it onto your page. Walla..you've got yourself a player. Hope you understood that.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I saw your comment on Just A Dog and commented back. I know how you feel w/your co-workers. Sometimes the people who aren't animal lovers are ones we can't trust either.
  • Deanna

    Hi, Jill! I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. It's tax season, deadlines, deadlines, deadlines -- ugh! Anyway, I'm wanting to get another Pem. I'm hoping to find one at a shelter. With so many people dumping dogs off at shelters due to foreclosures on their homes, maybe I can find one. Ladygirl was a stray that I found, and she was the one of the best dogs I've ever had. Topaz, is a rescue from a breeder. She's had some social problems because of living in a kennel and breeding the first four years of her life, but she's coming around to being a pretty good little addition to my home. Buster, my bird dog, is also a rescue from the local pound. I couldn't adopt him out to a forever home because he wont hunt! Imagine that -- a gun shy bird dog! LOL -- it's true. He's a total couch potato! Anyway, thank you for thinking about me. I'll get back to correspondence after I've cleared some of the deadlines off my plate!
  • Alice

    Hi Jill. I commented back on your blog post but I wasn't sure if you still check it or not. I just wanted to check and see how everything went. Did you bring your little girl home? How is she?
  • Michelle

    WOO HOO she's home. Hope that you guys are having a great time! ^-^
  • Alice

    That's great! I'm g;ad everything worked out. :)
  • Clyne

    I hope Josie had a great first weekend getting to know her new family! We look forward to seeing her. I'll have to get some pictures of the girls and the pimp (Brody!) when I come home. The buns love the new camera - they think it makes them look like movie stars!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    hi Jill,
    we went to a corgi rescue picnic in September (I have some pics on my page). It was a riot! Met some of the folks here (Natalie, Jenny, Cookie's Mom). We had a great time. Corgi owners are the best! I hope Josie is doing well...she sure is a cutie pie!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Jill! I am tired of snow already!!! Want Spring to get here. Schools are closed tomm. becasue of the extremely cold temperatures!! The Illinois Corgi Group I believe is trying to get something togehter. It would be fun to see the corgis playing.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Just read about your Boxer, Maci, hope he is ok. Wow he is so young!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    LOL..I had read that blog and wanted to comment but had to get going. I thought the picture was cute. A couple of things you can try...feed a good half hr or hour before leaving so you may run her out to relieve herself..let her play hard to wear her down. Make the area smaller. Enough room for her to get up and lay flat out but not so much that she can mess in one spot and move away from it. Is there away for someone to stop over mid day to get her out? As soon as you get home..don't even take the coat off ... grab her and get her right out and let her romp w/big praises if she didn't mess. I will warn you through my experience..if they've been left for a long time and held it...just because they relieved themselves doesn't mean they are done. hehe They'll have to go again w/in an hr. Your doing great by cleaning the mess up well which is important. Don't let them get use to staying in a mess. I don't know how old she is but I've had pups at 8-9 weeks old hold for 8 hrs but as soon as they see you they can't hold it which is okay..ignore it and clean it up but praise them for waiting. I hope this helps.
  • Alice

    When is Josie's birthday? Finnigan has his good days and his bad days. Yesterday I went home on my break and he hadn't gone potty in his play pen at all and still hadn't when I got off work. Today, however, I went home for my break and he had totally soaked his papers and his whole underside was wet. :(

    I would seriously consider the doggy litter box. I've talked to poeple that say they helped. You can get one at any pet supply store and use litter and place some gravel or something from outside in it so the pup is drawn to it and wants to potty there. Might save you some clean up until she grows up a bit more. Aren't puppies great?! LOL...
  • Alice

    Ok, here it goes. I did a lot of research before deciding which breeder we wanted to get a Cardi from. I chose a breeder in NM because I liked the look of his Cardigans and he seemed great plus he actually has blue merle litters which you may know the blues are a little harder to find. It just so happened that when I started talking with him he was planning a litter to include blues in the next few months and their was only one deposit ahead of us for a blue so we gave him our deposit hoping there would be at least two blues in the litter. We stayed in contact with the breeder and followed everything from conception to birth. I was like a nervous parent checking in constantly the day they were due. They ended up being born the next day. The litter had 5 blue merles and 1 tri. The breeder said he had never seen so many blues in one litter and I told him it's because I was praying so hard that there be enough blues to go around. :) We loved Finn instantly but we didn't get our hopes up because we knew the couple ahead of us had to choose one and the breeder may keep one or more to show. Well, before the pups were two weeks old, one of them died. The breeder said he wasn't growing at the rate the others were and he became very sluggish. He thought it was because that pup took a long time to be born and had to be resuscitated so he may have had damage due to lack of oxygen. Within the next few days another pup became ill. She was sluggish, stopped nursing and developed sores on her body. Within a day she was gone. Two days after, two more were lost. It was heartbreaking to watch and the thought of not getting one of them after all was terrible. By this point, the breeder thought it was Canine Herpes Virus. He talked to a vet about it and based on the symptoms and how fast they died this was the conclusion they came to (though no tests were ever run). Many dogs have CHV and the most it will do is give them a temporary cough but if a puppy under 3 weeks old gets it it’s fatal because they cannot regulate their body temp until that age. Anyway, we all held our breath and the last two (our boy and the tri color boy) kept thriving. By 7 weeks of age we figured it was safe to assume they would make it and the talk of where the puppies would go began. We told the breeder we would be open to taking the tri since we knew the couple in front of us wanted a blue and we didn't want to end up puppieless but the breeder decided to keep the tri for show. At the last minute, the other couple decided they would wait for the next litter (which was born this month) which meant Finn would be ours. We were so happy! We drove out the day he turned 8 weeks old and picked him up. We had our fears that whatever killed the other puppies may have affected him in ways we couldn't see but we couldn't say no, it was like it was meant to be. We found out that two weeks after we picked him up, the tri boy died. We were worried and talked to our vet and he said that isn't the herpes virus then but perhaps Parvo. We'll never know what the virus was since no tests were run but Finn keeps growing and staying healthy so we are happy. We do keep a close eye on him though because you never know. So that's the story. It ended up being much longer than I anticipated. Sorry. :)
  • Abbea and Vivi

    Thanks! Yeah, I was thinking about Wendt Worth Corgis myself. I'm still debating whether I really want my puppy to have to be shipped or not, and also I want to be able to pick him out by seeing and handling him. But, if the timing is right, and she has puppies when I'm able to get one, we'll see... :)
  • Alice

    I love blue merle too! We were actually talking about when we get a 2nd dog down the road, what we would get. We decided we'd probably get another Corgi or a big dog like a Dane or Mastiff. I love Great Danes but I know they can be more prone to health issues. How was your Dane's health?

    Which breeder did Josie come from? She's so cute. If we lived closer her and Finn could have play dates. :)
  • Edie

    Jill, check out the pix of our Corgi baby... We are picking her up in Franklin, IN on the 30th of the month. Explored air transit for her but to get to Myrtle Beach, there would be several flights, and I don't want to take a chance on her getting lost. My husband and I decided to drive up to get her. I guess we will have to dig out our "up north" winter coats, etc. and hope my hubby still remembers how to drive in that white stuff, just in case. Your fur kids are so cute! I'll have to add pix of our two cats and my daughter's lab/chow mix (more lab looking when clipped) to our page as soon as I get a chance.
  • Alice

    That's too bad about your Dane. They do seem like such great dogs but I guess to have one you would have to be prepared to take out a loan to cover there medical bills, and know that they may not be with you long.

    I didn't realize that was the breeder Josie came from. I already have her listed as one of my friends. I've been on her website and she does have some beautiful blues. The breeder Finn came from tests their eyes and hips as well and Finn's father's hips scored in the 90th percentile which is great. that's part of the reason we wanted to get one of his puppies. I guess even with strong, healthy parents, you can't avoid the unexpected from happening like it did with that virus.
  • Edie

    Hi there...thank you...she is beautiful, isn't she? Her name is Welsh meaning "dearly loved", which I think is really appropriate, 'cause we're gonna love her 10-teen million as my 4 yr old grandson says. :)

    That roller coaster in MB at the Pavillion is gone. So is the Pavillion. The company that owned the park closed it b/c of the cost of upkeep for old rides. They didn't think new rides would keep the spirit of the place. Don't know what's gonna go there, but even now real estate isn't doing too badly here.
  • Alice

    That really is sad, but at least you got to experience the joy he brought to your life even if it was for a short time. It sounds like you gave him a great life. :)

    All of the dogs my family and I have had came from local people who were giving them away. Finn is the first dog I have had on my own. When my fiancé and I decided on a Cardigan, we knew we would have to really do some work to find exactly what we wanted and make sure he came from a good background. We're very happy with our choice. :)

    We started taping Finns ears at about 15 weeks. We're supposed to leave the tape on for 3 or 4 days at a time but each time we taped them, he would somehow mess up the tape by the next day so it was folding his ears where they shouldn't fold. When that happened we would take it off since they say leaving any folds can cause the ear to stay that way. We only tried 3 or 4 times but even for the little time he had the tape on it has made a big different. His ears are mostly up. One ear folds a bit towards the base and both ears are a little floppy on the inner edge near the tips which ends up making his ears look pointy. I suppose we'll have to tape a few more times and see if we can't get those ears all the way up. Your lucky Josie's were already up, though I agree that they look so cute with the tape on. :)
  • DoctorOwl

    Wow, do you have a collection! We only have our Maggie and a gigantic shar pei/lab mix (blind in one eye) Patrick....and, well, maybe a ferret too, but your family looks awesome! Josie is absolutely adorable. Keep the pics coming!
  • Lauren + Winston

    hello! loving your whole animal crew haha. my boyfriend has a great pyrenees, theyre an awesome breed!
  • Becky

    Hello, My partner jackie and I live in Minneapolis. We actually have another spot on corgi.com . She has cagney and chapin liste too. She is the one with all the photos. I registered at a differen time so if you want to see pics of our pups, go cagney and chapin page. We have a nice Corgi group that meets at the dog parks. It is great to see so many corgi folks! Josie is adorable by the way!
  • Corgi Mom

    Well, hello to you as well. :-) Yes, if we could have more animals - especially Corgis my partner and I would have lots more.
  • Susan

    Hi, Josie (& Jill)! You're awfully cute and sounds like you're awfully fun! Your name caught my eye because my unofficial name in the first weeks of my life was Josie! My breeder and her husband loved Steely Dan, so all the puppies were given Steely Dan-related names, mine was Josie...but now it's Annie. Nice to meet you...Annie (& Susan)
  • quinn gleich

    Cutie... We are down in So Indiana - on the opposite end from Valpo. Our Hillary is a Corgi mix - we call her a Corgle but she has the Corgi traits (except for down ears).

    She saw her first snow this winter and loved it. Me, I'm ready for Spring.
  • Alice

    Hey there! Haven't heard from you in a while. How is everything going? Josie is well? Your boxer is well?