Sherri Rehder


Collierville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Memphis TN
About Me:
I am a Childbirth Educator and Registerd Nurse. My husband is a pilot for Fed Ex. We both grew up in Southern California. We have three kids.. Josh our oldest is a Junior at the USAFA in Colorado Springs. Jake our middle son is a Jr in High School and youngest Anna who we adopted from an orphanage in Ukraine is 10 years old.. She has FASD. ( Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) and many behavior issues from brain damage in utero.
About My Corgi(s):
We have an 11 month old Corgi . We adopted him 6 months ago. Everyone in the house but me hates him... I am going to need some help so he can remain part of our family... My husband said he is going to be kicked out very soon if his behavior does not improve...
If anyone has seen the movie Marley and Me ,Toby our dog has the same behavior issues as Marley except he is a Corgy and barks non stop. He also poops and pees everywhere unless I keep him on a lead tied to me at all times.. I can't keep him out doors because our neighbors are about to call animal control on us..... They call him the Bark Box... LOL
Any ideas will be appreciated...

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you Sherri. Glad you enjoyed it. I have fun working on it. I think I could really get into designing websites just don't have the know how.
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome Sherri and Toby! Jillie says hi from South Carolina! Our Jillie just turned one year old on Dec 16! Whats wrong with your Toby?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thanks again. I loved some of those utube videos. The one w/the Corgi getting all excited for the food just busted me up. I was crying w/laughter over that one so I had to have my whole family watch it. We watched that thing a couple of times. It is just too cute.
  • Laura Jones

    Welcome Sherri and Toby
  • Sam Tsang

    Happy New Year! & Welcome to
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Hi Sherry! Well Toby sure is the active one....isn't he? Our Jillie does go for the cat poop too....we have to keep a close watch on that. How is Toby doing with the dog trainer....probably going thru a stage...just like kids! Jillie just turned a year old, so they are similiar in age, and believe me she has her stubborn streak too!
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Yeah Toby is a good listener! I know you will try real hard at behaving and listening to your owners. They love you and will take good care of you.....I got my paw in your corner! Love Jillie!
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Hi Sherry and Toby! Hope you both had a great day! Thanks for the update...please do not give up on Toby! Our Jillie has her moments too! But she is so smart and sweet...we love her to pieces!
    Have a good week!