Roxy B


San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have many hats...
I am a nursing student at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio. I am trying very hard to do well. :) I am pretty sure I want to work in the operating room after i graduate. Though I'm only half way through with school, so who knows what i'll end up doing!
I am also engaged to a fantastic guy. I invoked the magic of 'you-find-the-ONE-only-when-you-aren't-looking' right before I began nursing school. I really think that if you are desperate for love, you'll settle, as I have done before. This time... I decided. :)
More to come...
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We adopted Honey from my grandparents this winter. My grandparents had another Corgi and they fought all the time. She is 6 years old. Now we are trying to help her socialize properly to other dogs... its been a L-O-N-G process. She is finally adjusting to having a feline housemate (and vice versa).
I have:

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