Dawn Murray


West palm beach, florida

United States

Profile Information:

Midwest/East Coast
About Me:
I love my 3 kids. I am proud momma to Trixie, Allie and corrie.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Trixie is my cheerleader, loves everyone. Makes people who don't like dogs love dogs.
Allie is my sweet baby. Kind of shy and has the most heartwarming expressive eyes, she loves to play with her giant tennis ball.
Corrie, my rescue. Sweet, shy and handsome boy. Loves his momma and rolling around on the floor.
My kids are the best part of my every day :)
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome George, Dawn, and Trixie! Jillie says hi and we love your pictures!
    Trixie is sooooooooooooooo cute....love the little cheerleader with her nub poking out! HAHA!
  • Reese

    Hello Celestial Corgi family!! We're from there as well. Looks like Trixie had a great time at the Corgi Picnic as Reese did! =)
  • Dannielle

    Hi it was soooo nice meeting u! The picnic was a blast wasnt it? Maybe u could e-mail me some of the pics you rook :o) Unfortunately we didnt have a camera or well we did but it didnt have the memory card in it :o( I will def check out hot topic for the collars I have been looking for one since we got him! :o)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you. They are a blast and can't live w/o them. They are like Pringles..can't stop at just one. LOL Pretty soon there will need to be a Corgis Anonymous Group.
  • Dannielle

    Aww love the slideshow. My email is phflyer8784@yahoo.com :o) Thank you sooo much I was so upset when I realized I couldnt take pics
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    The PWCCWR has meetings and guest speakings but the one meeting w/the dogs is in October. The Central Ohio Corgi club on this site meets but to be honest I haven't been a member of this site long at all. I was trying to set up a weekly or monthly meeting for anyone in my general area but only had one response. Why do you ask?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sarah

    Awe! She's so cute! I remember when my by was that little.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I'm very aware of CorgiAid and they received an award for their efforts. Great organization. I couldn't live without a Corgi in my life either. They are fantastic. I've had many differant kinds of dogs, mainly large bully breeds and by far the Corgi is my favorite. I have many others I really fancy but don't have the room and only 2 arms. I don't like to take on more then I can handle.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    your pictures are wonderful.. Trixie is a beautiful girl. I hope that we can go to the Corgi Aid picnic next year.. It looks like alot of fun. They are the sweetest most loveable little things in the world.. Gizmo will be 3 years in March.. and is still my little baby..
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi George and Dawn! It was nice meeting you two :) The picnic was nice, we got to speak to a few folks who were interested in Sunshine corgi rescue, the application process and what we do!

    Thank you for your compliment, we have quite a few Celeste's customers here, you may just find Trixie's extended family here :)
  • Wendy & Co.

    Trixie is soooo cute... I can't decide which is cuter - the puppy pictures of the pictures of Cheerleader Trixie. Adorable!
  • Simi Corgi Girl

    Thanks for the invite! Love your pictures...aren't Corgi puppies just the cutest? I swear my pics of Jack are identical. We were so afraid his ears wouldn't spring up but (oh boy!) did they!
  • Silvia Li

    Hi George and Dawn! It was really nice meeting you at the picnic the other day! I'm so glad to see you here. Hope you enjoy this site as much as I do!
  • Sarah

    Thanks! Trixie is beautiful. Glad to read that she is feeling better too.
  • Erin-the mom of...1 Corgi's

    Glad to hear Trixie is better. Happy Thanksgiving....
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Brady James

    thank you so much for the compliment. We are looking to get another addition to our family if you or you know anyone who is selling puppies please keep me posted., Thank you so much and have a great holiday =)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Birthday!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    LMAO..You are definitely in the spirit!! LOL @ american idol contestants.
  • Sam Tsang

    Sounds awesome! Glad you're having a great birthday! By the way, have you been the the Asian store next to home depot lately? They are serving some nifty bakery on thursdays and fridays.
  • Deanna

  • Boots and Superstar!

    Hey George and Dawn! I got my pup at Celeste too!:)
  • Joshua

    Happy Birthday Trixie! You and Bexar are now one year old!!!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Thanks! I love the birthday photos they are so cute!! She seemed to like the hat huh? Koby hates when I try to dress him up! lol HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  • Tracey

    Hello we got our Baxter from Celeste too! Hew is a great puppy, healthy as a horse! Good to see others that came from the same place!
  • Tracey

    Our two Corgi's get along well and the older girl just ignores them both! We got the puppy so that Butterball would leave our older girl alone. He was constantly trying to play with her and she wanted no part of him. Heidi is the "queen" of the house but she stays to herself and sleeps a lot. The two Corgi's are GREAT! At first Butterball kind of avoided Baxter and wasn't sure what to make of him. But after a few days he decided that he was the "big brother" and he now concerns himself with everything the little one does. They play all the time and it is so cute. Baxter has no fear and goes at Butterball full speed. They go everywhere together, it is adorable. If one goes outside the other is right behind. We take Baxter out on a leash in the yard after he eats so he can concentrate on going potty and Butterball walks right along with us all by himself. I think he's afraid he'll miss something. We have also noticed that Butterball has become a tattle tail! If Baxter is doing something he's not supposed to Butterball comes and tells us. For example Baxter had one of my shoes and snuck it under the table to chew,Butterball started barking at him and looking and me and my husband to let us know Baxter was being bad! I am so glad we added Baxter t the family, he assures that Butterball gets lots of play and excercise!
  • Tina, Frankie and Georgie

    Thank you! Trixie is gorgeous!! What a precious little piece of perfection! :)
  • Simi Corgi Girl

    Congrats on your new bundle of Corgi love! 2 Corgis can be a handful but it's so much fun to watch them play together and "frap" about the house!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Congrats on the newst additon !
  • jessimechell

    Thank you, and so are yours.
    Its always better to have two!!
  • jessimechell

    No i have never been!
    but since it is in brevard i will have to attend!!