

Lewisville, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have two corgis and I love them!!! I am finally a senior in college... ready for a real job... and that's about it!
About My Corgi(s):
two male pembrokes, winston and otley

Comment Wall:

  • Steve

    your corgis are cute! they look about the same size.....are they siblings?
  • Florence Fong

    What a lovely pair!
  • claire

    thank you!! i need to add more pictures, they have gotten a lot bigger since this one... i was just so concerned about his "haircut"!! they are not from the same litter, but they are only 4 days apart which is kind of strange. they certainly act just like brothers!! does anyone know how his hair will do with the re-growth process? thanks! :)
  • Carmen

    We shave our fluffy in the summer. Her fur is not normal at all; it is almost all overcoat. She really doesn't shed. It always grows back the same way. I wouldn't worry about him. Just make sure to always tell your groomer exactly what you want. Sometimes they make up what they want to do.

    Your pups are adorable BTW!
  • Niki

    I feel your pain. I really wouldnt worry about your baby. It's only been three months since my grooming disaster and Kirby's hair is almost all back to normal. He does have a few patches that are a little shorter, but that is due to how the groomer shaved him unevenly to begin with. He is doing great and I am sure your furbaby will be fine as well..I guess we live and we learn.. :)
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Winston & Otley are very handsome little men. :-D
  • Eruc

    So which is which?? You don't tell us.
  • claire

    oh i'm sorry!!! i wrote captions on the few pictures i put up so far but i don't know where they are... anyways the sable is Otley and the tri is Winston... more pics to come :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Claire, winston and otley!
  • Jennifer

    Your two litle ones are adorable too! Now if we can just get ours to stop peeing in his crate we will be all set! he can't even go 4 hours :( It's just fun to watch him though...he is already trying to heard our cats! lol
  • Niki

    Kirby wanted to wish Winston and Otley a very Happy and Safe Fourth of July!
  • Steve

    Winston and Otley look like awesome pair! Are they growing at the same pace? or is one bigger than the other?
  • Katie

    I have two pems too!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Come check us out! I just started a group for all Texans (or former Texans) and their corgis:
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Those two are so cute! I'm sure they're hard to resist!
    Welcome, so glad you joined us...

  • Lauren + Winston

    Winstons are the best :] why'd you name your dog Winston?
  • Little Penguin

    Hi Claire! My parents now live in Lewisville, I bring Little Penguin out there for a week about three times a year, she would love to make friends!