

Kent, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My husband and I live in Kent, WA with our corgi and our two kitties (who the doggie looooves to chase!)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
In 2008 my husband and I adopted our first corgi, Susie, a red and white Pembroke. She was the most beautiful, wonderful dog, and we enjoyed having her in our lives, even though it turned out to be for a very short time (she died of kidney faiulre 10 months later). Not long after that we decided to adopt a cardigan corgi named Joshua. He's young, energetic, playful and lots of fun!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Sarah! Joshua is very beautiful. I'm sorry to hear about Susie. My corgi/elkhound mix Bruce was diagnosed with kidney failure in August. He's about 14 years old (he was a rescue and we're not entirely sure HOW old he is!). He's been on a special diet and so far so good with his numbers.
  • Cathi

    Hi Sarah,
    Lovely pictures of Susie, my condolences for you loss of such a sweet dog/friend/family member.

    Joshua is handsome and his spirit shows in his face! Glad he's part of your life.
    Cathi and Bunny
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Denise

    I'm so sorry about Susie...her pictures show what a sweet baby she was. Joshua is very, very cute!!
  • Cathi

    Hi Sarah,
    Loved reading about Susie on the Rainbow Bridge site. I thought about my mom, who is normally very afraid of dogs (terrified to the point of not being able to move). When Bunny came to live with us, we discovered that my mom, who lives next door in our duplex, would take Bunny up to her house during the day and sometimes for a ride in the car. Then she would try to make sure Bunny was back in the yard before my daughter came home from school, so we wouldn't know. Very sweet and funny! My mom likes Bunny and they remind me of two older ladies hanging out together during the day. Bunny mostly sleeps in the front room at her house.
    Recently when Bunny had surgery to remove a breast & lump, and at the same time tore the ACL in her right rear knee, my mom would come back to our house several times a day to take Bunny outside and just check on her. Bunny likes to just go to Gramma's house, even when we're home on weekends. My mom will come back and take Bunny up to her house for awhile. Pretty cute!
    Bunny came with heartworms, and later when she was spayed, she became very ill and didn't eat for almost 10 days. I'm so grateful each day that she lives with us, much like the love and appreciation you and Jason have for each day with Susie.
    I've always been one to thank the animals that live with me for choosing to stay, and just wish they could let me know what would make their lives more enjoyable and better. Each have their own way of being in the world, and I'm very happy to share my house and life with them.
    Hugs and blessings to you, Jason and Joshua,
  • Sam Tsang

  • Rose, Aaron and Sarah

    my name is sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Melissa Bee

    Hi, Sarah I'm glad you like all of us corgwyn. Momma has loved us all the same, and misses us when it's our time to go play at the Bridge. She believes 100% that she will see us again relatively soon :-) I am her only pal right now-- when we are less grievfull about our sweet Miss Emily, I will help encourage her to get her (an' me!!) a new furbaby. We'll know when it's time. Thank you for your condolences. Skeezix an my Momma, Melissa Bee
    PS I have some more doggie things on my blog, which Momma helps me use the typer thingie to write it--but she didn't think it up. I DID!!!