Lillie's Mommie

Long Island, NY

United States

Profile Information:

New York
About Me:
We Loveeeeee our Baby!!!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My Lillie was a very unexpected Christmas gift from my boyfriend.
I always wanted a dog when I was younger, then when i discovered the Corgi breed i fell in love and knew that it was the breed for me.

Lillie was born on November 16th 2007 and now is 7 months old.
It's been a little tough considering we both work full time and live in an apartment but we give her all the time we have to make her the best dog she can be. It may take a awhile but we'll get there.
Our Baby Lillie is THE best thing that has ever happened to us. Before I never thought of myself as a dog owner, now I can't bear to think of myself without her!!!!!
She's fiesty and rambunctious. She likes to fetch, play tug o' war, run endlessly , and play.
She also loves to be loved. Hugs, Kisses, whatever you got she'll take and give some in return.
Each day when we look at her and she gives us that silly Corgi smile (If you have a Corgi you know the smile I'm talkin' about), we can help but smile and laugh.

Birthday Tickers from
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Lillie and family!!!
  • Kitty's Corner

    A big Hello to you from Hello Kitty and her mom. I feel just like you~Corgis are just awesome pups and Kitty really changed my life!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Lillie and family!
  • Chester

    Where are you located on LI? I'm from Massapequa and visit with Chester often. Alway like to get him together with other corgis!
  • Melissa

    Our Lily is a little complicated. She came to us from the breeder when she was 6 months old. They were training her to be a cattle herder and took her training too far, thus truly"breaking" her spirit. She is a very timid dog at times but she gets better. Loud noises and people coming at her scare her. Infact we just had words with the people down the road... their tween daughter thought it would be HILARIOUS to come racing towards Lily on a 10speed. Lily was so scared she wetted on herself, cowarded and ended up having a seizure later that night!!!!
  • Thiago's Mom

    We are also on Long Island
  • Thiago's Mom

    Lillie's Mommie-We live in Ronkonkoma. Have you joined LI Corgis club? Another member says she takes her corgi to the West HIlls Dog park, the have one for big dogs and one for small dogs now. We havent been there yet, but we want to try to get Thiago to a park like that soon. I am just worried he will run off, hes not the best listener :(
  • Thiago's Mom

    We are in Ronkonkoma
  • Thiago's Mom

    we are in ronkonkoma