
16, Male


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
American Saddlebred horses, indie music, Audrey Hepburn and vintage things!
About My Corgi(s):
I love soccer, soccer, soccer and more soccer. I have a favorite stuffed fox that I carry around with me at all times. I enjoy napping in my big red chair and bossing around our house cat Mr. Boocs....OK well he bosses me around ;)

Comment Wall:

  • Kristen

    Welcome to the Neighborhood. This is a fun place for slightly Corgi obsessed people.
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Duncan is absolutely adorable! :-)
  • Kristen

    Oh...can't believe I forgot to say...love that Corgi. Such a distinct face. Our youngest Corgi at home is also 7 months. Born June 20. I have a 4 year old girl and we are patiently waiting to pick up our newest member of the family in three weeks. He is 5.5 weeks old now. Waiting for us in Willard MO.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Duncan!
  • Kristen

    We do have horses. I have a daughter that is working at becoming a Jockey. I sent her to college in Kentucky...what was I thinking! I haven't ridden much since my horse passed away 4 years ago, but I would like to start again. It will make all those chores more worthwhile! We do have a sweet little mare that would love the attention. It's just that the ground is harder now than it used to be!
  • Ruth Bergloff

    Duncan is adorable. It was love at first sight for me too when I met Pancake!
  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome! Duncan looks like he wants "in." :-)
  • Christine

    Duncan is so adorable!
  • Lauren + Winston

    Haha Winsters still a little baby about getting his nails cut but what can ya do. I just find giving him a cut up carrot helps a lot. Anddd I added the music through the slideshow that's on my page.. I think it's like rockyou.com it's super easy to use. :D
  • April

    What a cute baby!!!
  • George V

    Everything is going well done here even with all this snow. We are waiting for some of the snow to be gone so we can get a new corgi puppy.
  • Lauren + Winston