Marie Ingemarssson

58, Female



Profile Information:

About Me:
I´m 42 and I have loved corgis since I was a child but I never got one. Our family had always Chihuahua insted so when my husband agre to by a dog I picked a corgi direktly.
About My Corgi(s):
I have two corgi´s but my bitch lives whith my parents at the moment.
Chili and Pepper is the name of the dogs. Pepper is my heart.
Pepper got the title SUCH now in june 2007 and he got "Top of the Corgi 2007" here in Sweden.

Comment Wall:

  • Petra Marteus

    Hi Mi!
    Great to see you her, I love Pepper's picture on your profile:)))
  • Marie Ingemarssson

    Tank you from a cool corgi lovers
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Marie,
    That's one cool-looking Corgi! :o)
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Maire! Nice doggles :)
  • Sam Tsang

    yes! I have 2 actually, you can see them by clicking my picture, it'll take you to my profile. and you can see their pictures there :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Marie, your English is great! You're going to London? I have a family there too :) Have a wonderful trip!
  • Cheri

    It looks like your corgi enjoys water sports! So does my Dudley. He goes kayaking with me and enjoys swimming.
  • Marie Ingemarssson

    Do you know the name of the city he's from? I live outside Gothenburg the seccond larges city in sweden. Thanks for your compliments!
  • Majsan

    Hi Marie.
    Our cardigan Fjodor has got sunglasses, just like Pepper. He has problems with his eyes and got´s snowblind when there´s a lot of snow :)
    Take care!
  • Majsan

    I really don´t know yet. We just bought them :) He is going with my parents up north in Sweden next week.
  • Majsan

    I will ;)
  • Chris

    Happy Birthday!