Amy and Marlee


Poteau, OK

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a new owner of a female corgi puppy named Marlee. I also have a schipperke who is trying to teach the puppy a thing or two.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Female Tri
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • christy fry

    welcome to the group! I have a tri-baby girl myself named Teagen
  • Roger/Laurie

    Welcome, my brother and I think you are a very cute puppy.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Amy! Your puppy is adorable...what is her name?
  • Roger/Laurie

    Hi Amy,
    The boys love the water and are great swimmers. We can't keep them out of the water. They always wear their cute little bright orange lifejackets. Either is very smart about recognizing how tired they are. Chepstow loves to retrieve in the water, he is like a motor boat when he is swimming. Tenby was diagnosed with a severe shoulder problem last year and doesn't swim as much as he should (it is good therapy). He still loves to sit and walk in the water. We didn't move to the lake until they were 1 and 2. They had never been in the water except for baths. They both walked right in the water and started swimming.......and we were told Corgi's aren't water dogs.
  • Karen and Hardy

    What a cute puppy! I can only imagine that my Hardy must have looked similar when he was a puppy.
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Yep that was me, My breeder bought a puppy from your breeder to use as a future dam years ago. Named Jingling Jangling Heidi Ho. Bloomin Daisies was her dam and Jingling Jangling Spurs her sire. I'm glad to hear that the breeder you went through was on point as there is a chance "Heidi" may be the dam of a tri color puppy im on a waiting list for. In that case our puppies could be related. Small world, huh? :)
  • Karen and Hardy

    We estimate that he is between 4 and 5 years old. He was a puppy mill daddy that we adopted from a rescue organization.