Jeanne Joslyn


Smyrna, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Smyrna, NY
About Me:
I live with my husband, 2 horses and 2 cats in the central NY countryside on our little 30 acre farm with my 3 beloved corgis, Marley , Mae and Gunner. My husband and I are both artists, he working in metal and myself in clay and resin as a sculptor. Of course Corgis are my favorite subject!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Gunner - Male red and white, 6 year old fun loving little monkey. He is the classic irrepressible corgi who loves a good game of tug and the sound of his own voice.

Marley - Male Sable, handsome and more serious 6 year old litter mate of Gunner. Marley is my sweet, quiet boy and excels in agility. He is always my good boy unless involved in a grumbling match with Gunner.
Mae - Female 4 year old, tri color female rescued this past March from a Pennsylvania puppy mill. Sweet and loving and amazingly resilient considering the horrendous beginning on life she had. When she came to us she hid in the corner of the fenced yard and trembled whenever you approached her. Four months later she is a social, sweet, affectionate normal corgi in all respects. They do know how to forgive!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Thuy

    Hi! Your corgis are so cute! Looks like your corgi and mine shared something in common..kayaking!
  • Roger/Laurie

    Welcome, love your pictures. Our boys love the water. Their slogan is "last one in the lake is a rotten egg" They both whine loudly when it is time to come in the house.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Gunnar, Marley, Mae and Jeanne! Your pictures are awesome and your corgis are so beautiful.
  • Kelly Hulbert

    Oh I am so jealous! Look at your pups! I believe God just helped me out. After lunch I was walking back to my car when I spotted a corgi in an office window. It's owner came out and told me that she would e-mail her breeders info. She said her dog is healthy and well adjusted so that's a good spring point right?
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Thank you =) Your corgis are adorable!