
32, Female

Skiatook, OK

United States

Profile Information:

Tulsa Metro Area
About Me:
I live in Oklahoma with two crazy Corgis.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hi, my name is Fleagirl and I have 2 very special fury family members, two Pembrokes, one named Arthur (Arty) and a puppy named Winnie. We live in Oklahoma.

We had a Cardigan named Percy, but in October of 2011 he got really really sick. We took him to the vet where he received extensive treatment. However nothing worked and he just got worse. Thinking something was lodged in his stomach the vet performed a biopsy only to find tumors had spread throughout his entire stomach. We had to put him down.

Arty's mother died giving birth to him and his many brothers and sisters. He was bottle fed by his previous owners, and so he loves to be held and cuddled (unlike Percy lol). He is an amazing dog. And a bit of a ham.

After Percy's death we were devastated. He was part of our family for eleven years! After a month of mourning we all decided that one dog was not enough. And so we got Winnie! Her full name is Eowyn (from LoTR). She is still just a tiny tiny puppy but she already has a BIG personality, and we love her for it!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Caroline & Merriam

    Welcome to the site! Love the names for your boys, by the way. :)