

North Branford, CT

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have had three corgi's and they are the most wonderful dogs to own.
Now i have owned four!!! I brought home Oliver in April 2010!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I just lost one of my boys to spinal/bone cancer. I am so heartbroken. We brought home a new boy Oliver in April 2010...he has helped mend our broken hearts over losing Scout.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Aw, I am sorry for your loss.
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    But welcome to :)
  • christy fry

    welcome to the group! I/m so sorry for your loss
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome back!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi, sorry for your loss, we too recently lost our dear boy Phinneas, but Edward has found a special place in hearts and we love Gem to pieces!!!!!
  • Jayne Wagner

    Sorry about your recent loss. It's so tough to lose one of our little loves...

    Welcome to Looking forward to seeing more pics of your cuties! Jayne, Toddy & Pongo
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome corgilover10. I'm so sorry about one of your corgis getting cancer.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Linda Brock

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. We lost OC's Mom and Dad both to cancer about 2 years apart. Mist was 10 it got into her lungs, and Bud was 12. He had an internal mass but it went into his brain and he started having seizures... OC is getting up there and having problems with her back and hips from an old injury when a goat crushed her up against a wall several years back.

    About your question on having three corgis... of the ones we have now, two are OC's pups. (You can read about them in our blog), BUT my sister does rescues and we have fostered several dogs over the past couple of years. Some of those have been corgis or corgi mixes. I have found that if you have a dominant corgi (like OC who is definiately an ALPHA dog) they will tend to take a while to acclimate to another dog (unless they are pups in which case it doesn't take to long at all because there isn't any fight for pack placement).

    I've always introduced each dog to the new one seperately, and if the new one isn't particularly aggressive (which I wouldn't keep around mine anyway), then they will have little fusses, but mine know that I am the final "Alpha Dog" and I can tell them to "be nice" and they will tend to listen.

    Be absolutely sure that you show the new dog that your ALPHA (in my case, OC) IS top dog and always make the new one back down (even if it doesn't seem to be really fair).... like if you have to do a "time out" keep your ALPHA with you and maybe scold them (they should know you and when you aren't happy about something if you've had them a while) and put the lower dog in another room or outside for a bit.

    Our male is neutered, so there isn't a lot of testosterone to cause overly aggressive behavior problems, but ALL dogs are a bit territorial and you can't let the "Pack up" on a newcomer, which is why the seperate introductions... I hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.
  • Linda Brock

    OH... I just watched your slide show and your pics of your furkids are really great! Of course, they ARE corgis, so they have to be cute, but you took such neat pics that showed such personality in several of them!
  • Linda Brock

    Don't try to hide things from Tucker as he is already sensing your inner hurt and turmoil and will be more anxious about you. Just shower extra love on him and sit with him quietly... whatever you need to do to bring healing to yourself. He will feel more needed if you let him see you cry and you use him to comfort yourself. It is truly amazing how much a furbaby (as opposed to a "dog" - one that is treated as such) will be able to understand someone they are very close to.
    It is also hard for us to watch them go through THEIR grieving process. Confused, and depressed... OC had been with her Mom and Dad for all of her life, and she had lost her best friend (our old Shadow passed at the age of 15 about a year before Mist) too. I am so glad (even if it WAS an accident) that OC had the pups before Buddy passed too. She still was pretty depressed for several weeks when her Mama Mist left us. (ME AND OC... Mist died in my arms in the car while my husband drove)
    I've had so many dogs over my 57 years... Each is special in its own way, and there are so many out there that need good homes with people that love them. I feel that the people that make good homes for dogs, treating them like one of the family, NEED to be able to share their love to be better persons themselves. If there is one thing that our beloved pets teach us, it is about unconditional love. Giving love just brings love back to us a hundred times!
    I don't know... as I said, each has been special in it's own way while I've had them, but it seems to me that the corgis we've had have created stronger bonds than any of the others, though I've loved each dearly, and have been blessed with VERY smart dogs all my life. I don't know if that makes sense to you or not... Even the foster dogs... the corgis or part corgis have seemed to have something EXTRA special in them...
  • Linda Brock

    Here is a picture of the last foster corgi we had here about 6 weeks ago... (Roll eyes) the one that MAY be the father of Dott's pups IF she has some... We are still watching her on that score... :( Sneaky little rascal!