Dave Bennett


Bloomington, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Bloomington, IN
About Me:
I'm a Corgi lover and just lost my Little Man Corky to cancer. He was the best friend I could ask for. We've opened our hearts and home to a new little guy, Tuffy. He's a fawn color male. He is very smart and I'm looking to have some fun with him.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My Corgi is a tri color Pembroke. His name is "Corky" Hence the name "Corky the Corgi" He's was 11 years old we he passed away Oct 16th. We rescued him from the MSPA shelter in Springfield MA because the breeder was going to put him down due to cataracts and other issues. I fell in love with him. He was such a great dog. We all love him and will me him dearly. We just got Tuffy a 10week old fawn color male Corgie. He's all boy and we look forward to having some fun with him too. He will not replace Corky, no one will.
I have:

Comment Wall:


    Welcome to the group Dave and Corky!! ^-^
  • christy fry

    welcome to the group!!! corky is a cutie
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Dave and Corky! He's a beautiful tri.