

Houston, tx

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Ein. I'm a 4yr old male Pembroke. I moved to Houston 2 years ago with my mom and dad. I'm always happy to play with anybody and I'm always looking for new friends. My dad, Colin goes to law school. I know because I like to sleep on his books. I've got a pretty good handle on Family Law. My mom takes the monster called vacuum out a lot. Which makes me happy... but she always brings it back. Boo.... They love me a lot and call me their little pumpkin (because I'm red and white) Oh and I cant forget my Favorite toys are this fluffy little thing that makes noise (mom calls it a sheep) and my squeakily ball.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
see rod A
insert into slot B
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Sara, Guy and Ein! He's a very handsome fellow ;)
  • Debbie and her pup Kato

    hihi Sara . Thanks for the request. You can watch Bruce Lee movies or cosplay with me anytime :D. Your corgi is really cute too ^_^. Can't believe my corgi is gonna get that big too. I noticed through videos and pics from just one month ago that Kato has already grown so much! I want him to stay a baby forever >.<. I also noticed in your pics that Ein uses a doggy CUTE. Maybe I should get one too since Kato has a bit trouble swimming with itty bitty legs lol.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Debbie and her pup Kato

    thanks for the info ^^. im thinking of getting a life jacket too afriad Kato might float away with the current lol. Im taking him to my parent's pool for the first time too in August so i might need to buy one anyway. I hope he likes the pool so he can get some excerise. Excercise= tired Non- mischievous dog lol. Kato is getting big so fast i hope he doesnt out grow his travel carrier :O. Im taking him on the plane for the first time to visit family in Miami...hope everything will go well.

    thanks for adding us,your corgi are beautiful!!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome to the group, so glad you could join us!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    It's really a small world, I grew up outside of Beaumont in Fannett. It was too small for me so I moved here to Houston.
  • Mark Niles

    Thanks for the information!
  • Ein Danger

    cool another ein! be sure to join the ein group if you haven't already! its just for us eins!
  • Deanna

  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry we missed you guys at the meetup, we will definitely meet you at some point. They are so much fun, we hate to miss them!
  • JanRich

    Canon 50D