Therese Hansell



Profile Information:

About Me:
We are from the Edmonton area and we are once again a 2 dog family after having to put Worfie our Lab-X down at age 17!! Our poor girl Maggie missed him so much we knew we had to get her a companion to stop the moping. Maggie is a laid back Shih- Tzu and now we have Finnegan, a Corgi-X who is a total goofball!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We adopted Finnegan from SCARS (2nd Chance Animal Rescue) at 7.5 weeks old. His mother was a Dorgi, they have no idea what type of breed the father was. He is really smart, at 10 weeks he is almost potty trained. He is happy little fella, loves the kids, and has the sweetest disposition! He is a real joy to have around. Well Mr. Finnegan was too much puppy for our little Maggie, so we adopted another Corgi-X, her name is Casey!! She is also a SCARS rescue pup, abandoned, pregnant at a reservation in Northern Alberta. She is 11 months old and already had a litter of pups :-( poor thing. She has her furever home now and will be safe and happy!!!
I have:
Corgi mix

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Therese and Finnegan! He sure looks mostly corgi to me!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • balajay

    Thank you. Finnegan is very adorable... I love the way he sleeps!! I'm still amazed by how fast Tiida is growing. Sometimes I wish that she could stay a puppy forever.... but then I'm also looking forward to take her to swimming and hiking.... hehe... by the way, I used to live in Edmonton too :-)
  • balajay

    I think Tiida's growing spurt has slowed a little bit... Still very adorable of course =p I just brought her to her first swimming session, and she loved it! Wow.. How is Finnegan doing? Is he getting any bigger?