Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

58, Female

Hollywood, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Chicago- Northwest Suburbs
About Me:
I moved to South Florida in the fall of 2005. I manage an embroidery and silk screening company. I bought my first home in September 2008, and got my first Corgi in November 2008. Now I have another from the same breeder- Celeste. My family is still up in Chicago.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Nutmeg was born 9/14/08. Cinnamon 9/12/09. I found them online through http://celestialstarkennel.com/pages/Home.

I picked both up at the Corgi picnics, this year and last, where I was able to see a whole bunch of Corgi's at many stages of life.

Having Nutmeg who is the love of my life has really opened my eyes to the breed. I just had to get another for Nutty to play with. Cinnamon is going to be just great! Now we are complete....except for that man....hmmmm....
I have:

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  • Carmen

    Happy birthday!
  • Ein Danger

    happy bday :)
  • Boots and Superstar!

    happy birthday!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Birthday!
  • Gracii

    Hi Jacki - thank you so much for the pictures. I'll show them to my husband so we can figure out what to do. I would like to try a regular 30" high fence, b/c we can get one that will stretch across a 8 foot wide space. Kitsie is taller than a purebreed, so my husband is worried that she'll jump it (she jumped a baby gate on the stairs). I don't trust her not to pee on the carpet. We used to keep her in the bedroom where her crate is, which worked until she had a UTI (we crated her then just to be safe). After her infection cleared, we let her have the bedroom, but she got up on the bed and peed, and she's peed once or twice on the floor, and she has chewed on our clock radio. So now I don't trust her not to pee while we're gone. We currently crate her and I let her out every 4 hours. But I can't do that forever!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Jacki, hows Nutmeg doing, is she eating yet?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    # 2 is an awesome picture of Nutmeg!! What a background, oh how nice it would be to live somewhere warm!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    How is Nutmeg doing, is she eating? Hope shes doing well. : )
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome! Glad to hear shes getting back to normal. : )
  • carol dollard

    thanks i will definitely check it out.
  • Bella

    Well there were a couple of small dogs, but it was the first dog park I'd ever been to that had so much poop on the floor that no one picked up.
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Hi nutmeg is a cutie!!!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Im going to Miami this weekend!:)
  • Danijela

    HI Jackie, I read in your comments that you took Nutmeg to the beach in Hollywood. Could you give us instructions on how to get there as no one seems to know where this beach is. Everyone is talking about it, but no one of our friends have been there. ( Please take in consideration our poor knowledge of the surroundings in Hollywood)...Leo says thanks in advance! He loves the beach!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Hey Jacki, email me at ahr1026@gmail.com . I just want to come over and let play Nutmeg and Superstar. I am gonna bring her to the beach by Hollywood.
  • Danijela

    Hi again, just drove down to the beach! Off course, it is available for dogs on weekends only. Silly me...should have looked better on the site. The guard told us it is already changed to 5-9pm. We'll go there this Friday!!! Thanks so much again!
    I hope we can make it for Sunday as well. Let me know what time you'll be there...would be great to have them play...fantrastic if we meet Superstar as well.
  • Danijela

    Great, weather permitting we'll see you there!
  • Danijela

    We shall be going soon...hope to see you guys there!
  • Danijela

    Don't worry...we'll get together another time. Leo's first experience on the FL beach was a BIG SUCCESS!!! He had the best time ever jumping in the waves. We took him off the leash from time to time to get adjusted...but...he is still not listening to us much so we went back on the leash. A friend from our dog park came with his pitbull girl so it was fun. It is a very nice beach. Thanks for showing us where it actually is. We certainly will be back.
    Will e-mail you for a randez-vouz next weekend if you feel like. Enjoy the time with Superstar!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Superstar and Nutmeg should be in the next calendar!You should send a photo to Celeste for the Sisters reunion!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    She is better now. Being the troublemaker she is. I was supposed to come down there this weekend, but I had sent u a text message and I didnt get a response from you. So I figured you had been busy with your job.
  • Boots and Superstar!

    yeah, im definitely coming at the end of this month!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You for the friend add. : ) How is Nutmeg doing?
  • Danijela

    thanks for letting me know.was really dissapointed not to go. Glad you had a good time. I'm just doing my driving lisence so should be able to make next time if hubby works. Seems to be a crazy day for him so I'm not sure at what time will go to the beach. Will call you & let you know. Leo had a ton of fun last weekend on the beach( see photos)...a sissy swimmer, though. Will be great to meet there!
  • Danijela

    Hi, we are going today!!! I just overslept the whole afternoon yesterday :(
    will be there around 5:15-30.

    Leo is very naughty in regards to obedience on the beach...just running after other dogs. Will be lots of fun to have them playing.
  • Danijela

    I agree... it was so much fun!!! Leo was sleeping on my lap all the way home raped in a towel to avoid the BIG TIME send spreading... It was really nice meeting you & your little thing. Nutmeg is more then adorable. She is gorgeous! We have to do it again. Maybe if we meet in a park Leo might be less excited & stop running after all the dogs on the beach & play a bit more. You are welcome to visit us any time!! Let me know if you might come on Friday...
  • Danijela

    we got the bag in the pet supermarket...the incabin was around $60 if I recall right while the hard top crate was around 90$. The hard top is quite big for him, but we wanted him to be comfy...If you like I'll gladly land you our incabin bag as I think Nutty is still small enough for it.
    Let me know....
  • Danijela

    I think the pries vary for boys & girls. We were supposed to pay $315 for the laser neutering, however their laser did not work that day so they did it the old way & that was $257. He was doing so well after the operation. Just like it never occured! Well, physically He handled it very well...was playful, et normally...on the other hand, it has affected his behaviour even better!!! He stopped the humping, sniffing & all the anoying stuff, while remaining the playful boy he was...So it was a great thing all together!
    We are always using the "Imperial point Animal Hospital" on the Commercial blvd. It is a great service...we left already lots of money there, but I would not replace it.
  • Danijela

    Hi girls...how did it go...hope she takes it at least 1/2 well as Leo did & I'm sure it will be great.Let us know...Good Luck!
  • Danijela

    How is your girl doing?
  • Danijela

    Sure, would love to meet next weekend! We have a crazy weekend here as well...I'm sorry to hear that Nutmeg is in pain. I assume it is much harder for the girls, as our little banana was so well after the operation.
    Let me know about the plane bag...if you are going shortly I will bring it to you on our next meeting.
    Give a big kiss to Nutty for us!
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Howdy! Finally got the pics up.

    How is little Nutmeg doing post-surgery? Did her infection clear up??
  • Boots and Superstar!

    I have no idea! I want to come over so bad!!!!!!I will let you know soon!!!!!!!!!!
  • Danijela

    That is great news! Means the little Butty is doing much better.
    We can not come today as we have a dinner arrangement in Miami, but would love to go Saturday or Sunday.
    Let me know if any of those 2 days work for you.
  • Danijela

    Meant to say...little Nutty...
  • Danijela

    Hi! It was great today...some photos are real funny! Will post them tomorrow. Have fun!
  • Nicola Porter

    Hi Jackie, I think it was you that asked about grass maybe? We have St Augustine sod here in Jax and LO is destroying it with his maniacal games of fetch. When he was younger he was doing what Nutmeg was doing, ripping up the roots to play with. Have you had any suggestions for some tougher areas?
  • Danijela

    I posted just a few...many, many more to come! A pity our camera is quite old & not of the great resolution...whatever it was great. I put 2 movies as well.
  • Danijela

    Hi guys, I will be having the friends dog again Sat-Mon...but I hope we could meet on Friday. Will check with Amanda( the girl who was with us last time) if she wants to go to the beach or if you like we could meet in a park or in my place...let me know
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Hey Jacki! We'll be down in Hollywood this weekend with Stanley. Maybe we could arrange a little playdate or do you know of any corgi meetups happening down there this weekend?
  • Danijela

    HI Jacki, just got your message as We had internet issues at the appt for a while...hope you guys had a good time! We'll set a play date for another time...maybe the beach this Friday?
  • Amanda, Rooster & Hawk

    Hi Jacki, I was was just wondering where you got the cute life jacket for Nutmeg. I live in Montana and we plan on taking Cricket floating on the river in our raft and we need a lifejacket. Thanks!!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Jacki, my photoshoot with Superduper went ok, except she freaked out cause of the flash! are you going to Corgi Picnic on Nov. 14th?
  • greth

    nice. where at?
  • greth

    where do i book that at? i live on 26 and taft. im right near sheridan street!
  • greth

    ahhh i see! i'll definitely try to go. i really want to meet more corgi owners! i'm at the site but am sort of unsure of what's necessary to bring. do i need to pay for entry or anything? do i need to bring anything in particular? i'm pretty new at having a dog, and doing dog things at dog places.
  • greth

    i'd love to! sadly, i work an insane shift tomorrow, so i don't get out of work until 7 pm. :/ i have wednesday off though. perhaps we could meet then. thanks for the invite, that's really nice.
  • Matey

    Hi Jacki & Nutty from Danette, Dudley&Matey,
    They said "Helloo, Nutty!" Dudley&Matey said "My mom couldn't take us to the meet up yesterday, cuz she was working all day. Bummer!! Hope we can meet someday on Sundays at the beach. Looking forward to see you!" I'm hoping they'll like the beach. They've never been to the beach. They both do not like bath, but behaved very well. It'll be worth of trying to take them to the beach for fun. Both of them have lifesaver jackets.
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Happy Birthday to the little Nutmeg!!!!!
  • Melinda (Penny's Mom)

    Wow...they do look a lot alike! Only Penny (pink scarf) is mine. Penelope and Puck (tri) are my daughters dogs. I often babysit for her on the weekends.