Marika Tarver


Fulton, Missouri

United States

Profile Information:

Germany - Gutersloh
About Me:
I am a 'first time' dog owner and live in Missouri close to Columbia for the last 12 years. Originally I am from Germany - Gutersloh, but we have settled down here now, after my husband came back from Iraq and retired. I have one 10 year old son who loves the animals with me. :-) I think that when people talk to each other, there is always a thing or 2 to learn.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a female welsh corgi 'sassy' and my male welsh corgi 'nitro'. and my son and I love animals. We have 2 horses Arabs, 1 mini horse, 2 cats and 2 Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Now my 'Sassy' woke up yesterday and was dragging her hind legs liveless behind her. I could not stop crying, she did not understand what was going on. I took her to the vet right away. They x'rayed her spine and hips, poked her with a needle, ruled out the tick disease and told me she has a slipped disc, which is known for corgis. I thought my life stopped. She was put on Anti inflammatories. That is it I thought, she has to stay confined for 6 weeks, no moving around at all, may be it is going to heal itself. My darling friend, she is a vet Nicole called me back and said, she needs more aggressive treatment. So I put 'sassy' back in the car ( I was crying heart broken) and drove to Nicole's vet clinic. She gave her steroids, special food, a pill (antacid) prednesone and another one. I will add the names later, when I get back online. I would so appreciate any input, if there is a chance for her to get her feelings back in her liveless backend. Help!!! Will she walk again? Are there any people with corgis who healed and walked again??
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • christy fry

    welcome to the group!! I hope Sassy gets better puppy kisses to you
  • Julianne R. Scott

    Did they do x-rays? If so did they find any fractures? Sounds like you need to get her to an orthopedist. She may have a slipped disc, pinched nerve or fracture. The best therapy for rehab is water therapy. Beyond that I really don't know what to say, except good luck and keep us posted. Oh, and there are little wheelchairs...Eddie's Wheels website is a good one. That might help during rehab too. Best of luck to you.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Marika, Sassy and Nitro!

    I am so sad to read what you have written about Sassy. It sounds like you have a wonderful caring vet and I hope Sassy gets better soon.

    I really suggest you copy what you wrote in your profile about Sassy and make a post under "discussions". Many more people read those, and you should get a lot of good advice. I know we do have a few folks here who's corgis have had similar problems. Good luck, and please let us know what happens.

    What part of Germany is Gutersloh in? My children have gone to their sister school in Aurlich, which is in the north.
  • Edward and Gemima

    I really don't know what to recommend but I know you're feeling very bad for Sassy as are we all. Hopefully, this will all be over quickly. I'll say a prayer for you guys!!!! I have heard they do really well with the little wheelchair carts!!!
  • Marika Tarver

    I am sitting here crying, I cannot help it. Sassy is looking at me like, mom what's going on, why am I in the kennel?? I want to thank everyone for replying. It means a lot to me, I feel so alone with this. Danke, danke to everybody, have a great weekend. I am from close to Hannover up north too :-)
  • Jane Christensen

    Corgi aid also helps with carts...I didn't check out your site till after I asked if you were German!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Marika, could you tell me what you need help with?
  • Jane Christensen

    Hi Markita,

    I see Sam left you a message.He is great at helping people or giving info for you to check out so he would be great to respond to!
  • Jane Christensen


    I went to the top of the page and clicked chat. It comes on with the conversations and on the left and the people that are online on the right!
  • Darlene Hennessy

    Welcome to the group. It is so sad about Sassy, and I pray she will get better with her treatment. An Orthopedic specialist may be a good idea. Both Sassy and Nitro must be confused by all that is happening. Good Luck to all of you.
  • Jane Christensen

    How is Sassy doing today! My thoughts are with you all!
  • Darlene Hennessy

    I hope Sassy is doing better today!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jane Christensen


    Hope you're doing ok...I don't know if there's anything that corgi aid could do to help you or not BUT I would check if I were you!

    Good Luck! Our thoughts are with you!