Marion Hebert

Hopewell, VA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have always loved dogs and horses and have owned several of both....I rode and competed in Dressage, jumping, and western events.... riding and training thoroughbreds, quarter horses, a Dutch Warmblood mare, and a male offspring of the great stallion Pregelstrand.....Don't dogs and horses just go together....I have shown Miniature Schnauzers, and was asked to home and care for a full blooded wolf that was found by animal had been shot through the hip. Now I am the proud parent of two delightful corgis...They go with me everywhere and have made many friends on our travels.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgis are both sable and female and one male...they are 8 years old.. and no they are not related in any way....Both are rescue dogs....Sammy came to me weighing around 56 pounds...he now weighs 30 pounds and is very handsome....Merry was shown in California, had a litter of puppies, and then her owner decided to switch breeds and asked if I would take her....She is beautiful....Needless to say I love them dearly.....not the shedding part....but who could not love the Corgi"s fun-loving disposition. Sammy is my caretaker...very in tune to my moods....Merry is a bit of a monkey....always on the go and always happy. Well, time for me to start picking up Corgi hair and give my home a new lease on life. We are all glad to be on board
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Edward and Gemima

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Marion, Sammy and Merry! I completely agree about those sunny dispositions :)

    Welcome and hello Marion!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Geri & Sidney

    Marion, thank you so much for your kind comments! I had (and still have) fun making this page, thanks to a quick lesson from my teenaged daughter. I was so lost before she helped me ;)
  • Edward and Gemima

    Love it that you have Mn ties. I have lived and worked here all my life as has my husband!!! I love my corgis too,can't imagine life w/out them!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much. The music is by Nuno Lupi. If you go to my site to the links page it will tell you alittle about the music and where you can get it. A Longer Trip was one that I inspired him to write and he dedicated to me. I find that to be so cool. He's a wonderful man w/alot of talent.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Why don't you show any longer? How many Corgis do you own now? Your welcome by the way.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    My first Corgi was given to me by a horse trainer friend who was going through a divorce and wanted one of his favorite females to go to a good home so I took her and that started my addiction. I started researching them and looking around at breeders. She had been bred and dealt with that litter thinking this was not for me since I had the hardest time letting those pups go. Cried with each one of them. My vet said its hard the first litter. Well I took some time off of that and didn't have another litter til a yr and a half later. Those 2 litters were the spring of 2008. So not long at all. I still have a hard time letting go of the pups but screen my buyers which makes it easier since I feel comfortable and confident w/my selection. I keep intouch with them and have had several come for visits which I just love and a good way to grade myself on my selection of matings.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Marion, we live in Rochester, they are talking snow flurries for this weekend already and we've had rain for about a week, although it was a beautiful day today!! Would love to take the Corgis to the ocean,but guess I'll have to settle for the Lake for now!!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi again, I hope they are wrong about the weather forecast!!! I'm dumping all my outdoor plants and finishing garden clean up just in case!!! It could be one of those years we have snow on Halloween. We haven't had one like that for a long time!!! It sounds like you are keeping busy and I know the Corgis love to keep busy and be included in everything. Is it a lot of work to be involved with showing your friends dogs??? Have a great weekend!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I have 7 Low Riders now. The last one came to me from Colorado last October. I love them all dearly. I'm never rushed to breed to give them time to mature. Layla..the dam to the latest litter was 2 yrs old for her first litter. I spend a lot of time with my dogs to make sure they have personalities and temperaments that I like. I really think what helps is I get them as pups and they all live in the house together so they grow up to except one another and know what I expect of them as well. I'm happy with my group. I've been really happy with my pups as well. Each litter seems to be smart and pleasing, not wild little hellions but that could be the time I spend with them and not weaning them from moms to soon. This litter I have now has one tri female that is not sold and she is dear to my heart. I had her sold but the lady really wants a sable and asked if she could hold off on the deposit til the next litter so I picked the pup I liked to hold back though I do not need to keep one now. LOL Theres always one in each litter that strikes me except Rhiannon and Meagans litter there seems to be 2 that strike me. I'm keeping in close contact w/all the past buyers for updates and pictures to train my eye and perfect how I raise the pups. So far I am liking what I am seeing and the responses from them on how well the pups have done even by their vets. I know I will run into some trouble in a couple of more years when I will have to retire a female...what am I going to do? I can't keep all these retired dogs and pups I pick for future breedings. I do have a few people who are willing to take my retired dogs that would be wonderful homes but its not that easier when your talking a still young dog that I adore. I don't want to give up what I'm doing just cuz I can't part w/my retired ones but don't want to let them go either. They adore me as I do them and we have such a wonderful relationship. When that time comes I"m hoping an answer will slap me across the face that will be pleasing to me. I have one rescue that is part Chow that I couldn't leave at the APL and she was here before any of the Corgis or my daughter. To bad she wasn't white then I could say I have snow white and the 7 dwarfs. hehe Losing your pets is devastating...have had to put a few down and it never gets easier and I always ask why do I do it to myself. I guess I do it because all of the days they add joy over comes the day they part from us. I could not live with out a dog in my life. I thought I couldn't with horses but the dogs have filled that void for me along with the kids. My kids love these dogs too. With every litter is the question "Can we keep one?" LOL I'm not sure who is worse..they or I. Well you have a great night and enjoy these emails as well.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Oh my gosh, your rabbit story was great!!! We came close to a run in with a squirrel but no rabbits yet! One nite when we were out I think we may have gotten close to a skunk as we could smell it but never saw it, thank goodness! It sounds like a lot of fun to do the show work then, I can just see Sammy and Merry thinking they are the stars cuz that's pretty much what ours do!! We took them to the pumpkin patch yesterday and they thought it was put there just for them I think!! I'm adding pics of it later today!!! did you join the Spoiled Rotten Corgi group yet?? We have some good laughs there!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Oh man, that no good raccoon!!! We have one(well more I'm sure) that live in our woods directly behind our house! I have seen it many times and it is huge so it is scary to hear about your run in. I have seen him just sitting in our birdfeeder eating away! One nite I know he was out there cuz the dogs were barking and growling at something. I will be more vigilant about having them out when I've seen it around I think. Do you have coyotes around where you live??? That is a devastating story about Lucibelle that was posted today!!! We also have some Eagles and Owls about, not sure about an Eagle, but I have heard some bad things about the owls!!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    I forgot about the fox! We have a fox that we see occasionally too, but he seems pretty spooked by us and runs quickly off. I am glad we don't have to worry about bears here in southern MN, mostly just up north as you know. We do have alot of deer around, they are only worrisome cuz I know that Edward and Gem would take off after one if given the chance and I guess the ticks too! Edward and Gem love walking and romping in the snow(we got our first inch here yesterday) going swimming at the lake, having company and being the center of attention at all times!!!! They also like treats!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    I love getting your e-mails as well!!! It snowed here again overnight, just enough to cover the grass and our deck so Edward and Gem have been wild all morning, eating it and running around in it!!! I can't believe that bear is around, it is enough to give you a bad dream, just hearing about it!!!

    I took the Corgis walking in the snow at our local Nature Center the other day when it had first snowed and they were loving it!! I wiped out as we were going down a hill and fell right on my butt!!! Glad no one was around to see it!! Anyway, Edward was looking at me like what are you doing??? He was so concerned about me the rest of the walk that he stayed right by my side. Gem on the other hand, went about her usual nosiness pretty much ignoring me as usual. No, she is pretty good but she is more of a monkey like your Merry and Edward is more of a caretaker making sure you are alright. He is usually checking out the girls too if they get hurt or are crying!!! We didn't see too much for wildlife, other than a bunch of robins and squirrels, but they enjoy the regular squirrel and bird sightings very much!!!

    We are going to try some Halloween costumes out on Ed and Gem today!! They really don't like getting dressed up and I don't usually put anything on them other then the occasional bandana, but there are a few costume photo contests I was going to enter, not that I wanted to win that much, I just like posting their photos as I'm sure you can tell by my profile page!!! Well, better get something done around here while the Corgis are napping, talk to you soon!!! Melissa
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Its nice you spend quality time with your dogs and let them run. Too many times I see people just fence them up or tie them out and never see them get to stretch their legs w/a full blown run. Every day about 3 times a day we all go out to chase balls, play tug o war or one of them takes the ball for keep away. Love when they interact with one another w/o me having to be involved. I can sit there and watch them for hours frolicking in the back. The other amazing thing to see is one will walk up to the other and plop down infront of them laying their head right infront of their face so the other can clean their eyes or ears. Normally they do this with Rhiannon who is the leader of the gang. They are so tranquilized while she is licking them. Meagan is one who will protect one while they eat from the others. Never fight but definitely gives a stearn warning. The one day she didn't eat all of her food and was watching over it but as soon as Layla, mom of pups, came over Meagan allowed her to have it and backed the rest of them off while Layla ate. They will tell on each other if one is heading out of the property boundaries..barking up a storm to let me know. LOL On nasty days my kids love to play hide N seek w/the dogs. We have all the dogs stay in the kitchen and then we go and hide. Once we call them its a stampede up the stairs they come to look for us..digging at doors to open them..jumping on the beds..and once they find us we take cover since we are going to be malled with their excitement. The more you laugh the more they react. hehe
  • Edward and Gemima

    He, he, thanks for asking about my butt!! Unfortunately it is unchanged and as big as ever, too bad I couldn't have lost a little of it in the fall... oh well. I really think you may be on to something with the Male being a little more in tune to being the caretaker!!! Edward is always first to check any of us out if something is amiss including Gem!!! He is the one who will groom her (when she's in the mood) I have never seen her initiate a grooming for him! We also had another boy Phinneas(lost him in fatal car accident in June) he was a sweet natured guy too, jumping up next to me on the sofa and snuggling and letting the girls do what they wanted too with him(within reason of course) Miss him terribly still....Anyway with the two males I've had they seem to be much more easy going and in tune to the human connection although Gem is a sweetie too, just busy checking her surroundings out a lot more, more concerned about what is going on and whether she gets to be included. She is also the one to hide the bones and toys from Ed just like Merry!!
    I am using the Frontline still, I haven't noticed any problems with it. Are you using Frontline top spot??? Let me know if you switch to something different and how you like it!!! Have a relaxing Corgilicious weekend!!!!!