Taylor Vulushic


Richmond, NZ


Profile Information:

About Me:
I enjoy playing with my two dogs, reading, and hanging out with my friends. My best friends name is Whitney<33 and shes pretty awesome(: I go on Facebook almost everyday, I eat anything and everything that is sour and Fabulous! I love to dance, ride my bike.... and drink gallons of monster with karlaayyy! Shopping, shopping, shopping, thats what im best at... <3 10:39 Rooseville Youth Groth is amazinnnn'! <33 PEACEE! I <3 REX AND MOLLIE!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My Corgi's name is Rex, Middle name is "Felis" which means "King of cATS" somewhere. . . When we 1st got him we had two cats and he LOVED them ALOT! Shocking I know(: He loves to go on walks, eat everything in his path (except grapes), loves to push our other dog Mollie around. Mollie is a miniture shih-poo; very tiny! He's very loveable, scared to death my lighting, rain and the dark. 1/2 the time he acts like a baby, but when he's around dogs that are , i don't know, 6876983493 feet taller than him he likes to act like he's all tough(: Which is adorable. We live next door to a family who owns a Beagle. Her name is Bella, I tell ya it was love at first site for them! <33 haha. Rex is an awesome dog and listens (99.9% of the time) really well. I love hiim so much, and he doesn't even know !
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Michelle

    Welcome.....What a handsome fellow you have! ^-^
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Taylor, Rex and Mollie! Corgis are notorious for liking cats :) I know Sidney likes our kitties.

    And I'm sure Rex DOES know how much you love him.
  • Tammey & Caven

  • Taylor Vulushic

    Pink Ribbon