Mary Stremmel


New Braunfels, TX

United States

Profile Information:

New Braunfels, TX
About Me:
I am a new dog owner.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
He is so sweet and loves to run in circles. He has a curly tail so I think he is mixed with another unknown breed.
I have:
Corgi mix

Comment Wall:

  • Lisa

    Welcome Mary. New Braunfels is such a beautiful area and charming little town, some day we plan to move back to Texas in the Austin, I would love to live more towards New Braunfels but all the towns and a couple of the cities are about 20 minutes apart. Do you have any pictures of your puppy?
  • Mal Schaal

    Welcome Mary, your puppy is so cute!
  • Diane&Dakota

    Your pup is so cute. Looking at him just begs for hugs! He has floppy ears just like mine, and mine has a beautiful, curly tail, too. Mine is a Corgi mix of mysterious origins and looks bigger than yours, but same coloring. Welcome to from another newbie.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Mary! What is his name? He's so cute. Could he be full pembroke, undocked? Look at Sidney's photos and see if the tail looks the same. Sidney's tail curls up over his back and has a white tip.
  • Geri & Sidney

    When we got Sidney, he was already 5-6 months old, so I'm not sure. How old is your puppy? He looks young so it is very possible his ears will perk up later.
  • Geri & Sidney

    We call it "toro!" because he looks like a bull ready to charge! Sidney sure does do it...he learned it from my corgi mix, Bruce. Someone told me that dogs do that to spread their scent around, so it seems like a much bigger dog had just been there.