Ashley & Winston


Pflugerville, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Fort Stockton, TX
About Me:
Hi! I just got a corgi, hes 5 months! He's kindof become my world, I had my fourth back surgery in September and I got Winston in October. You could say hes my recovery pet! Corgis are great aren't they?
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
His name is Winston. Male, 5 months, hes so affectionate and loving.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Jones

    Welcome! What a great get well present!
  • Lauren + Winston

    why hello! your winston is adorable!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome! We also got Sidney when he was 5 months old. I totally agree, corgis ARE great!
  • Lauren + Winston

    haha i think winstons make the best corgis!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Ashley and Winston!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Come check us out! It’s a group for all Texans (or former Texans) and their corgis:
  • Roger

    Hey Ashley and Winston! Are you going to do other classes?
  • Roger

    We are going to take some classes from our apartment community for the next little bit and see what Roger might like to do. We are thinking maybe agility or herding but it completely depends on his interest.

    Aren't they fun?!
  • Ein Danger

    welcome to the site ashley and winston! i just lover your profile pic :) be sure to join the south texas group. that one includes austin, san antonio, and the valley :)
  • Ein Danger

    aww thanks for the add :) i'm not sure if you heard but we're throwing a little shin-dig for ein the 1st sunday in october (the 4th). if you're in the san antonio area you should stop by! it's gonna be real informal, just some corgis frapping around in the backyard :)
  • Roger

    Congrats to Winston too! He is so cute and that picture is great! We should try to get them together sometime! Have a great weekend!