

Gallatin, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Plant City
About Me:
My name is April and this is my first Corgi. I LOVE him! I have had dogs all my life...labs and mutts from shelters. Cody came from a breeder in Jacksonville. It has been a good experience and I am really happy with my new baby. I lived out in Wyoming for 7 yrs and loved it there. I decided on the name "Cody" because of my love for the Yellowstone area and because I met my first Corgi in WY. It really suits my little herder.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cody was born on November 25, 2009. He came to his new home with us on February 13th, 2010. He is a red and white Pembroke. He has a wonderful temperment. Loving, extremely intelligent, and such a sweetheart. He really enjoys our walks, playing in the yard, and exploring anything and everything.
Cody has a couple pet peeves: someone sneezing & women on TV that scream, of and sqeeky small dogs. He loves fresh fruit: pineapple, mango, cantaloupe, and coconut. He also likes a little cottage cheese on his dry food in the morning.
An aggressive chewer, he burns thru toys like mad, although he is very good about only chewing his toys. Spoiling Cody is my favorite hobby.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    where are you getting your corgi from??
  • Edward and Gemima


  • Darlene Hennessy

    April: Welcome, when do you get your corgi? puppy or rescue? cardi or pem? Congrats and you will love being a corgi parent!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome April, and congratulations!
  • Darlene Hennessy

    Hi April, good luck in your search. Too sad about the puppy mill thing. I cringe at the thought of those poor dogs and that awful life. If this one doesn't work out, ask here I am sure someone in the FL area must have a lead to a good breeder. I like your profile picture. Where did you find such a beautiful pic?
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    Hi April! Yes, I got my pup near the Orlando area through Celestial Kennel, she was very nice to work with and she puts on the Florida Corgi Picnic every year in November. You probably have come across her in you research. She sends pictures/videos every week. She breeds for companionship, so we weren't guaranteed show quality dogs, but that wasn't what I was looking for anyway. lol I feel like half the corgis in Florida have come from her.

    According to AKC here are some breeders in Florida (CLICK)

    Here is My Breeders site (CLICK)
    She has 2 sable adults available for adoption too:)

    I have heard people going to the Corgi Lady
    (Odin's dad is from her litter)

    Or you can always post a discussion on MyCorgi asking FL people where they got their dogs...the people on here are very friendly:)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Edward and Gemima

    OMG April, that is the best Valentine!!! So adorable!! have fun!!
  • Marion and Vern

    Congratulations!! He is such a sweet looking little fellow. Take lots and lots of pictures they grow up sooooo fast. Enjoy
  • Darlene Hennessy

    How perfect! He is so beautiful. Oh I miss those puppy days. Congrats April and Cody!
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    he's cute!
  • Cody

    Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful comments. Cody and I are bonding very quickly. My heart soared today...when I came home from work, his little fuzzy rear was wagging and he was so happy to see me. There is nothing to compare!
  • Dawn Bell

    Thank you Cody for inviting Montie and Cowgirl to be your friend. Bow WOW!
  • Dawn Bell

    Red Ribbon
  • Carol Powers

    thank you Cody, you adorable little munchkin!