Marion Hebert

Hopewell, VA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have always loved dogs and horses and have owned several of both....I rode and competed in Dressage, jumping, and western events.... riding and training thoroughbreds, quarter horses, a Dutch Warmblood mare, and a male offspring of the great stallion Pregelstrand.....Don't dogs and horses just go together....I have shown Miniature Schnauzers, and was asked to home and care for a full blooded wolf that was found by animal had been shot through the hip. Now I am the proud parent of two delightful corgis...They go with me everywhere and have made many friends on our travels.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgis are both sable and female and one male...they are 8 years old.. and no they are not related in any way....Both are rescue dogs....Sammy came to me weighing around 56 pounds...he now weighs 30 pounds and is very handsome....Merry was shown in California, had a litter of puppies, and then her owner decided to switch breeds and asked if I would take her....She is beautiful....Needless to say I love them dearly.....not the shedding part....but who could not love the Corgi"s fun-loving disposition. Sammy is my caretaker...very in tune to my moods....Merry is a bit of a monkey....always on the go and always happy. Well, time for me to start picking up Corgi hair and give my home a new lease on life. We are all glad to be on board
I have:

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  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Marion!
    Frontline has not worked here in Calif for two summers now. Last summer we switched to Advantage, and it worked fine. Advantage did NOT work this summer, though. We switched to K9 Advantix and it seems to be doing fine. The vets here are saying to change up the flea meds on a rotating basis. I still wonder what makes a medication stop it the dog or the fleas that are changing?

    We are having a very lovely late summer here...sunny and warm. A little too hot on Friday but its much better now.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi Marion! Hope you had a good weekend, I have not heard from you in a couple days so decided to check on you guys! We finished getting our little cabin ready for winter over the past few days so have not been on as much! What a job, but sooo worth it! Edward and Gem enjoyed getting out to the lake again and frolicked around like crazy dogs!! We put our boat away and shut off water etc. etc. Next we will be working on hauling and stacking wood into our garage for the long Winter ahead of us. Always something to keep us busy!! Hope all is well... Melissa
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I use Sentinel and in the past Revolution. I also give brewer yeast tabs w/garlic in them daily for years. If your having a serious flea problem bathe the dogs in Dawn soap to rid of fleas on them and then use a flea preventative. Adding a flea collar to your vacuum cleaner bag and treat all bed areas and carpeting in your home. Fleas are nasty little pests. Also...make sure you treat your dogs for tapeworm.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I hope the rain held out for you. Have a good time!
  • Edward and Gemima

    I changed up my profile pic, hope that didn't throw you for a loop! You are keeping very busy and I am feeling tired just hearing of all the work!!! I hope you have good weather and a very successful dog show this weekend!! Do you have to travel far to it???
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    There have been times in the past my dogs were not on better flea prevention before I had the Corgis and never had a flea issue when people around me did. Do I guarantee that..NO but I think it does help. Someone having a real issue of fleas I definitely think would need more preventative measures. I think the tabs keep fleas at bay so things don't get out of hand and my sole reason for using the tabs is for their skin and haircoat.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    The tabs contain omega 3 fatty acids to maintain healthy skin and coat..B complex vitamins keep coat shiny and lustrous and of course the garlic w/flea control. Its by Excel 8in1 Brewers Yeast with Garlic.
  • Edward and Gemima

    I hear you!!! It is miserable here tody rain changing to snow flurries,cold and wet, wet and cold! I am going to just stay in and cook up something to make the house smell good and keep us warm! Have fun enoying the fall colors and the all the doggie hoopla at the dog show and good luck!!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Been crazy here as well. All the pups went to their new homes and now getting ready for the next batch that is due any day now. Making sure I get my sleep for this all nighter. LOL Seems like I don't get much time to get on lately with everything else. Between the dogs and kids I don't even have much time for friends. I just don't like to fall behind on my work. Hopefully the next show you'll be able to make. Been grooming my dogs quite a bit here lately. They are blowing their coats! Have gotten some new pictures of a few of them. They turned out okay.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Marion, I loved your last comment on my page. Your descriptions are very good; you must be a writer! Makes me wish I had two corgis! As it is we have SIdney and two senior mixed breeds who are not very patient with his shenanigans. Like yours, Sidney wishes he could fly so he could get at those maddening birds! He takes after them every chance he gets.

    I posted the picture of the banana costume when I saw it at the store, but I didn't buy it. Instead, he wore the lobster costume I got for 75% off after Halloween last year, and I dressed as a chef. It was cute.

    Hey Marion! Thanks for the note! I've been really busy and just thought that I would see what's new on mycorgi. I'm out of the country for two weeks visiting my daughter. I'll give you a shout out when I return. This will be a really hard time being without Tallulah and my husband. I'll be in Budapest and Norway! I gotta go my plane leaves at noon and I've got sooooo much to do!! Take care!! Eileen and Tallulah!! :-D
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Marion,
    Luckily it does not rain here much, because Sidney gives me that same look when I expect him to go out into the rain!

    I wanted to ask about the names Sam and Merry; I'm a big fan of Lord of the Rings, and those are 2 of the hobbit's names. By any chance were they named after them?
  • Edward and Gemima

    Glad to hear your candidate won!!! You put a lot of work into the campaign so I'm sure you are elated!! Of course the Corgis made a big difference at the polling place!! I can just see them working their magic.
    Things are going good here, we must have your beautiful weather cuz it's been in the 60's and close to 70 a couple times this week, we have had to curb our activity a little tho cuz Edward was neutered last Wednesday. So far he is sailing thru it and he's a week out today so I let him run after some geese on our morning walk!!! He loved that!
    I am glad you enjoy seeing the pics on my profile! I love to dabble in art and I love to take pictures of my family.....the corgis take up most of my camera card.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Oh no, I didn't realize it was seriously raining there. We went thru flooding here 2 summers ago and it was awful. I know about the tree toppling thing, we had a big one go down over our creek when were going thru it. Hope it stops soon!

    I am taking Ed and Gem to have their pic taken with Santa on Saturday. I am not sure they will like it, but I am going to try it nonetheless. I have a Santa we get out at Christmas time so am thinking of getting him out to give it a trial run......I'll let you know how it goes.....should be a good laugh!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    I'm glad the rain has stopped. Sorry to hear about your Mom being ill.... I hope she will be alright! We will be thinking of you while you are gone and have a great Thanksgiving as well. Melissa
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    The weather here has actually been really pleasant...temps have been good with quite a bit of sunshine which really helps anyones mood. I've been quite busy myself...Meagan had her pups on Nov. 5th and Rhiannon had hers Nov. 15th so I have been busy talking to individuals on the waiting list and getting pictures and making sure pups are growing like they should. Lost alot of sleep but so far everything is ending up worth while. Just need to get a few more things caught up and give the house a good once over and then onto preparing for the holidays. Ugh!! It never ends.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I've been on the go that's for sure. There is a total of 12 pups and YES..they all are spoken for. Well, on Meagans litter deposits are coming in and Rhiannons litter deposits don't come in til after next week. I take deposits when the pups are 2 weeks old since I want to make sure the pups are thriving and we don't run into problems. I posted pictures of Meagans pups in a blog on here. I'll be getting more pictures of both litters but don't like to post them on here to just clutter the blogs so I wait til they are showing more personality.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi! How was your Thanksgiving holiday??? We had lots of turkey and pumpkin pie w/whipped cream. I have been making a few batches of cookies already and freezing them! Want to be able to enjoy the break with my kids and corgis so trying to be organized and get it done! I will save the fun kid cookies to make with them, but some of my recipes are involved and I like to take my time with them(can't do it w/a 5yr old around) Anyway, hope you, Sammy and Merry had a great time!!! Melissa
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    My Thanksgiving was good. I will have to look into that vacuum shedder by Bissell. With winter and 2 females going to be blowing their coats I am going to need all the help I can get. LOL I'm a bit overwhelmed and I don't think I'll ever do 2 litters about the same time around the holidays like this again. Its not the 2 litters but dealing with all the people and then the festivities of the holidays is going to be hectic. Figuring who gets what pup takes time and then their are some so hooked on sex or markings and coloring it is hard to tell them its just not for them even though through my interview process I explained this procedure quite thoroughly. I know some breeders won't even let people see the whole litter til they've decided who gets who and even then don't see the litter. I don't think I could do things quite like that.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Sounds like you had a wonderful trip! Did you see any wildlife along the way?? We had two deer run up out of the woods surrounding the area where we live and I had both Ed and
    Gem off their leashes for romp time! I thought they were gonners and just about had a heart attack trying to grab for them! My girls were fortunately with me so helped grab Gem and
    Edward was a good boy and minded my commands til I got to him! These crazy deer were about 6ft from us:not good!!! Of course I slipped and fell in some mud! These Corgis must think I'm nuts, always slipping and falling!! Thankfully it turned into a situation where we could all laugh, but it could've been very bad!
    Sounds like you will be busy with company over Christmas. We have to travel Christmas Eve but not too far....only to Minneapolis which is 1hr or so away(lucky)
    We got some snow here today so am really starting to get into the Christmas mood!

    Hope your mom is feeling better.....Melissa
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I look forward to seeing some photos of Sammy and Merry! I can look at Corgis all day. There is something so infectious about the joy of life that all corgis share. Great job with getting Sammy's weight down. I see so many seriously overweight corgis lately. Now if I could just get my own weight down during this holiday season, haha.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Great! Would love to see your little bunny butts ; )
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Got my decorating done and even did the dogs room. House is clean for now...LOL Running around with all kinds of things to do and am trying to make time for the kids so they remember their childhood Christmas'. Pups are getting big. Was getting pictures of Rhiannons pups and the one female barked at me...scared the daylights out of me. I've never had one bark at me out of all the pup pictures I've taken. My husband and I laughed our butts off at her as she just kept licking my face and she's only 3 weeks old. She is hysterical and quite the looker. Hope she doesn't become to much of a handful.
  • Jane Christensen

    Where did you live on the iron range? I was born in Hibbing and I still love northern Minnesota!
  • Edward and Gemima

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I like to hit the stores to shop...its the one time I can really browse and dream. hehe I don't get out to do that often and am always on the comp. plus I get ideas when I browse. I will refer to the internet to locate the best deal or a better product but like to deal with cash. My dogs go out in all the elements and they don't care. Its really windy here and earlier it was a down pour with the high winds. Now its really cold and blowing like crazy with some snow flurries. No accumulation yet though. I know my guys can't wait for a few inches of snow. They love the snow and this cool weather. I don't think I can wear them out.
  • Jane Christensen

    Oh Thank -you for helping out the Doberman! It's those little things that make us feel better and really helps out the animal! I love doing rescues but I don't do them often as there are not a lot of corgis around here!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Thanks so much! If you need any help that I can give from way over here (*waves from California*) please let me know! :D
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi Marion, goodness that sounds like the storm we had here last week! 11inches of snow and then bitter cold temps below zero! This is such a busy time of but busy. We have a small Christmas celebration with family coming up this Sunday so have been getting ready for that, plus had a small party tonite for my Girl Scout troop(whew, glad that's over) Edward and Gem are wondering what the heck is going on with all the activity, packages and Mom too busy to play their normal games with them. Ed was naughty and chewed a spot in our couch frame(old couch thank goodness) he still got in trouble though..... it has been very cold to go out for our walks too, but finally warming up a bit and got out today.....a tired Corgi is the best kind of Corgi HA HA!!! Thanks for checking on us...Melissa

    Hi Marion! I've been busy and am just getting to my messages! I hope you had a great holiday! I'm glad it's all over and I can look at my seed catalogs and get ready for spring! It's 1, January and cold outside so I think I'll just hunker down today and do NOTHING!! Take care and Happy New Year!! eileen ;-0
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Well we didn't have a white Christmas but boy have we been getting our share the last week. My husband has been nonstop plowing and salting. The Low Riders love it!!!! They can't get enough outside play in the white fluffy stuff. A couple of the days the winds were bad and the temps frigid and they had me out there so much my face chapped. I now own stock in lotions and apply it quite readily every day. LOL They ran so much one day I don't think any of them moved a muscle the whole night. I feel like I am a single mother since my husband is gone most of the time or is sleeping when he is home. The dogs like it when hes gone all night or leaves in the middle of the night since that means they get to be on the bed with me. I wake up to 6 Corgis up there with me since one of them sleeps with my daughter. No wonder my sinuses have kicked up..between them and the dry heat or dry air outside. I just got a nasal spray thats just a saline solution to moisten my nasal passages. Seemed to help. Well Meagans pups are all in their new homes as of last weekend. Now Rhiannons pups leave this weekend and I will be pupless til around Valentines Day. newest leaving Saturday to go to CO to live w/a couple for awhile. They own her sister and want to show her. I'm dreading sending her out but I totally trust these people. I got her a new bed for the crate so she can be all comfy during her flight. Keep your fingers crossed she does okay. Happy New Year!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Glad you got a little snow...we had another 3inches here yesterday with a lot of wind so it got ugly on the roads with all the blowing and drifting snow. We have had birds galore in our feeder, Blue jays, Cardinals, Chickadees, nuthatches and woodpeckers. Ed and Gem have invented a game where they race each other to the back fence to see who can scare away the birds the fastest.. Have had some deer and lots of squirrels both red and gray, rabbits almost every night, even a couple Pheasants!! I am always happy to watch the animals in the Winter months so I try to feed them....Ed and Gem think that bird seed is another tasty treat so I've had to move a couple feeders back beyond our yard some so they don't get into it!! I took some pictures of our family out sledding with the Corgis last weekend so I'll try and post some pics soon, got a new computer and I have to figure everything out before I can post them! Have a relaxing, wonderful weekend!!! Melissa
  • Sadie May

    Hi Marion,

    My female corgi, Sadie, is almost 10 years old but still behaves like a 4-year old. She is a therapy dog and likes a lot of stimulation, play, loves to walk and loves to be included in everything we do. She is great to run errands with - when the weather is cool and she can stay in the car.

    I would love it if we work together on getting a group of corgis to meet in Williamsburg - but not sure that Waller Mill is still a park. Somebody said it closed but I haven't looked into it. I will one of these days when I have more time on the computer. It's crazy in my house right now. My daughter is getting ready to go back to JMU tomorrow, we are taking Christmas stuff down and going to Richmond for the day tomorrow for an Eagle Scout ceremony.

    Hope the corgis are staying warm in this terribly cold weather!!!

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Well I am sitting here watching Sians flight going to Colorado. My nerves are shot and miss her already. I can not wait for that phone to ring from Liz to tell me she is fine and happy. I just hope she kicks ass in the show ring so she can come home back to me soon.

    DM, Degenerative Myelopathy, there is a DNA swab test for $65.00. I will tell you whether your dog is clear, carrier or at risk BUT the at risk doesn't mean your dog will become systematic. They are doing further research to find the modifying gene that makes some at risk dogs show systems and others never coming down with it. Most dogs that have been tested, which I might ad is a small amount and from more of the prominent conscious individuals which means your breeders out for money aren't testing and would probably make the percentages of at risk or carrier results higher, anyways there is only a very minute percentage of clears. My Meagan is clear but others are carriers.

    Adding another to your little family depends on how social your group is. I find 3 Corgis is nothing to handle but that is an individual case. You are the master and your dogs need to respect that.
  • Marion and Vern

    I had the exact same problem when I started! If you have down loaded your pictures to your computer then all you need to do is click on +Add Photos bottom left below your one photo then it should help you step by step from there. If not let me know and I will upload a picture just to get the steps written down for you. Can't wait to see more photos.
  • Sadie May

    Hi Marion,

    I was wrong about the park - it is still open. The part that has closed is the Mountain Biking after Isabel destroyed it. But the Dog Park is still open - in fact, they have a lot of regulations and a fee of $2.00 per dog. I'll send you the link later. Just got back from Richmond and will sit and watch my show "Brothers and Sisters". The show next weekend sounds like a lot of fun. Wish it was closer. I love the pics of your babies!!!

    Monica and Sadie
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Enya is great. I also listen to Clannad.

    I have not witnessed a dog with DM. I have had many contact me in that their dog could possibly have it. I had one lady contact me for a pup and as I was talking to her about it she mentioned she had an older Corgi they were having issue with him going down in the backend. At that point I told her I was not shutting her down but stalling from her getting a pup because she needed to focus on the dog she had now and not add undo tensions to him. I explained DM to her and told her to bring it up to her vet. I suggested getting the DNA test. You know her vet had no idea the test existed? Anyways, the DNA came back as being at risk so the vet diagnosed him as DM. I then advised her that is wrong since this is not a diagnostic tool for DM is only diagnosed post mortem by cutting into the spinal cord. That he could be suffering something else like IVDD but the test could help by directing them into the right direction.

    Have fun in Fredricksburg.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Wanted to mention...I have watched videos on youtube of possible DM dogs, dogs seizuring, and all the horrors of cruelty, butchering, euthenizing, and all the horrible sporting of dogs. Put me in depression.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Oh no...not Virginia now too....heard it was unusually cold in your part of the world. At least it won't last long! Found a great new trail to take the Corgis on over the weekend so I am still tired out from that, although they are ready to go again at a moment's notice! Just gray skies here today not so frigid and that is a good thing!! I think we were beginning to get cabin fever here with all the nasty cold weather we have been having so it feels good to get outside again! I think this will be the perfect time to take a little snooze with Ed and Gem so gotta go. Don't let my family know I do this......Ha Ha Melissa
  • Edward and Gemima

    Yes, beauty sleep, that's it! I wonder how long it takes before it actually starts working?
  • Marion and Vern

    Just a quick note before work. I like the picture you picked. Well have to go get ready for work, will try to write more later today. LATER
  • Edward and Gemima

    Well, it probably didn't work as well as I had hoped, but I highly suggest it anyway!!! Makeup is a must if I go out anywhere!!!
  • Marion and Vern

    Hello Marion (feels funny putting in my name feel like I am talking to myself lol). Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. This week has been busy. Added some pictures to our page that I took tonight. Came home from work and gave Sami a bath, just love how soft she feels.
    We are hoping to add another to our pack by late summer. Of course that depends on when the momma goes into heat and all. We have to wait until after the begining of August as my husband gets his vacation for a year after the first part of August. I just know it will all work out. We will take vacation time and drive to Ohio, will take Samantha back to see everyone of course. We are so excited to have the chance to meet Wendy and her family. Not to mention being blessed with a second pup from Wendy. I can not say enough good things about her or Sami. Sami is all we could have dreamed of and then some. Write me all the news when you can. LATER
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi Merry and Sammy!!!

    You had some excitement over the weekend! We are feeling cooped up here as it has rained a not so nice glaze of freezing rain yet again and our people are not too excited to walk us in it so we have been going in and out all morning long keeping our mom busy none the less...and she thought she was going to sit, read and drink coffee Ha Ha Ha!! You scored some new toys and goodies?? awesome! We would be jealous if our mom was paying attention to other don't think the show circuit is in the cards for us although you never we are chewing on some fine rawhide, settling in for a snooze while our mom makes some yummy tortilla soup in that round pot with the lid that you plug in the wall or something...sure smells yummy!!! hope you get some nice belly rubs today!!!
  • Marion and Vern

    That is eerie with the names and such. Haven't met very many Marions' in my life. I am third generation with that name. I named him Tedi Bear because I collect bears. He started having seizures and they could not figure out why, just could not put him through anymore so we let him go. Still feels like someone squeezes my heart when I think of him. So on to other thoughts. Got off work early today so decided I would suprise my husband with home made chicken and dumplings. I enjoy cooking (and eating!). It is cold here today with snow off and on. It is not sticking though was 41 awhile ago with 15 mph winds. Well better go pull the chicken off the bones. Wonder what else we have in common?
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hope you have a great weekend!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Are you up to your rooftop with snow yet??? We are in a storm warning today, but only gonna get 6-12inches in the next couple they haven't closed school or much at all here. Ed and Gem never tire of the snow and I was out this morning on a walk with them thinking it would tire them out...then I filled the bird feeder and I think that may have been a mistake cuz they just want the blue jays, cardinals and squirrels now. Hope you got shoveled out and enjoyed it a little bit!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    about 9 inches of new snow here and school closed for the day!! Ed is such a snow lover he actually fell asleep out in his favorite snow bank after playing in it all day long. It started snowing here on Sunday afternoon and it is Tuesday and still snowing!!!! Oh that Ice is nasty stuff I do hope you don't get that! 14inches??? Is that a record????I think you deserve a nice massage after all that snow shoveling!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    V-DAY ED
    Myspace Glitter Graphics

  • Marion Hebert

    You are so creative....Edward and his glasses do deserve some sugar....and I am sure he will get it...This is what we got, a rain downpour last evening...sleet very early this a.m..... snow around 7-9a.m....last, but not least wind somewhere in the 25 to 30 mile an hour range...which caused a blizzard for a little while, but the snow was too wet once it got on the ground to get blown around too much...Yours truly picked up the shovel and cleared the driveway again...Now the sun is shining and most of the new snow has melted from the streets, not the yards....Crazy, isn't it...Sam and Merry are having trouble figuring out whether to put on rain boots or snow shoes.